IX: Bravi Bravi Bravissimi

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Erik's P.O.V
I kissed my songbird,My Angel! I couldn't believe it she didin't flinch or run away i hope,she would love me the same without the mask off.

I began to start Don Juan Triumphant again...

I was starting to feel the music until...Madame giry walked "Erik,Where is Esther??" She said with a serious tone "she is with me..why?"

"She needs to perform for the managers.." she said holding a letter "there is a special guest a very important person in our history.."

"fine..after she sings she goes back here with me." I glare, Madame giry nodded seriously while walking back out

"but i'll be watching at box five.." i said to myself while walking to Esther's room knocking the door...

"Come in.." i heard my Songbird's voice it made me feel soft again,i then opened the door she was still sitting down "My Angel,You need to perform what we had recently practiced" she then start to get nervous "E-erik I-i havent even perfected it.."

"My Songbird your voice is perfect already..just..think of me while singing,your Angel is always right here,watching over you" i said carresing her cheek...

"come..i shall be watching you in box five"

I offered her hand and she had accepted it, as we start walking to the boat,i began to hum while rowing slowly...

Noone's P.O.V
As Erik returned to Land he took Esther's hand to exit the boat.He Had return with her in Prima donna room,He kissed her forehead

"I'll be watching you My Songbird..i love you.."

he said while walking in the shadows..

Leaving Esther In the room...

Esther's P.O.V
I smiled and blushed alittle holding my cheek that he carresed softly,Madame giry walked in with my costume "here is your costume my dear" she said as she let out a 1700s Styled European gown...

"Remember my Angel,your Acting as the Duchess with a forbidden love with a man.." i heard Erik's voice echoed,madame giry sighed "And meg is acting as your personal maid" she said while putting the corset on me

((After the dressup and the headdress,makeup etc))

I started to twirl around while smiling "its so beautiful" madame Giry nodded "come let's go

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I started to twirl around while smiling "its so beautiful" madame Giry nodded "come let's go.." she said walking out as i followed her,the managers rushed to me "AH thank god! Go go it's time!!"

They pulled me on stage as they handed my a quill and paper i began to Act...

Noone's P.O.V
Esther Pretended to Cry while Erik was watching her carefully...she then began to sing while Erik closed his eyes fallen for that voice..but another felt the same..

Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, every so often..
promise me you'll try
On that day but not so distant day when you are faraway and free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been

Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you

Erik clutched his own hands trying not to clap and Scream for his Own Angel..

Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think.....Aaah aah ah aaaah Aaah ah ah aah of me

They all stood up and clapped and so did the special guest...

"bravi!" Erik whispered to himself as he faded off to the shadows...

She then bowed softly and went back offstage "Esther Esther you did great!!" Lizzy yelled while Meg nodded back giggling..Madame giry thumped her cane again which Lizzy and Meg went back on stage...madame Giry knew that Esther needed to return..

Esther then remembered...she needed to go back to the Lair...she then started to walk...

"Excuzes Moi Mon Amie!" A man with a french accent yelled calling Esther..

"Y-yes?" She turned around,it was a tall man with brown eyes hair on a bun and a kind smile ((it's lafayette just pretend he is still young uwu))

"I just wanted to say you we're amazing dear mademoiselle,o-oh my name is Marquis de Lafayette but you can call me laf.."

"A-and mines Esther.." he smiled softly as He kissed Esther's knuckles.. "Esther..i dont know what to say.." he blushed while Esther giggled "then make no sound.." he then gave her a boquet of roses "i hope to see you again Mademoiselle Esther.."
He said as he walked off Leaving Esther blushing...

Erik's P.O.V

I watched them in the shadows..HOW DARE HE TOUCH MY SONGBIRD LIKE THAT!! only i could do that i felt myself darken and took a lasso but i saw him leaving..Just wait...the last time you touch my Songbird is the last thing you'll do....

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