28 | Best Friends

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"So. You're the 'Chi-chan' this idiot's been yapping about," the old man from the hospital grunted, hopping out of the cab. Izuku turned rosy pink and looked to the side and away from the blonde, fiddling with his hands.

"Has he said anything bad?" Sachi asked in a teasing way, nudging the embarrassed teen next to her with her shoulder and followed the old man up the craggy steps of a beaten-down building.

"I don't know. All I know is that whenever he mutters, I'd catch your nickname every so often."

Sachi giggled and glanced at her best friend, who was just released from Hosu's hospital. Izuku was dressed in his hero costume, though it was ripped and burned on some parts, otherwise, Sachi really liked it. It suited him well. It was a cloudless Friday, the last day of hero internships and the day her students return home to U.A.. Sachi was able to stay behind in Hosu per to Izuku's request and Sachi was able to formally meet Gran Torino, All Might's old teacher.

"It's god damn annoying," Gran Torino grumbled as he hobbled inside his rickety home. Sachi grimaced at the stale air that hung off the cracked drywall. There was a small kitchen to the left, home furniture to the right, and wooden stairs at the far wall. There were places where damage was obvious: the ceiling, the floor, the walls, and even the old sofa, which seemed to have taken a beating. Sachi's heels clicked on the filthy tile floor, it looked like it hasn't been mopped properly in months.

Sachi resisted the urge to scrunch her nose at the disorganized chaos, peering at the dust-covered furniture in disgusted. She wasn't much of a clean freak, but she rather preferred to be in a clean environment than somewhere so uncouth. She glanced over to her friend with a brow raised. He shrugged his shoulders and mouthed "just go along with it'.

"Excuse me, Gran Torino?" Sachi started after the green haired boy vanished upstairs to pack his belongings.

"Huh? Speak up, young lady! This old timer's got some hearing problems, gehee!" The old senior laughed, becoming senile whilst slowly climbing onto the sofa, settling on a cushion twice the size of him. Sachi feigned curiosity as she bent down to speak louder, despite what she already knew thanks to Izuku texting her in his off time.

"How did you know that Izzy– Midoriya was One for All's new holder?"

Gran Torino looked at her in silence, then grinned. "Don't think for a second that I'm as senile as you think, Sachi Bakugou." The girl jumped at the old man's sudden change in attitude. Was he always like this? "Toshinori writes me letters on occasion, and in his recent one, he mentioned you being close friends with the new successor. That fool wrote in great detail about how much the kid trusts you, enough to tell you the next morning after accepting Toshinori's wish."

Sachi smiled as she was taken back to her 'middle school days'. She was at her bedroom desk, studying the basics of Calculus when she got a call from Izuku, who was fanboying about his encounter with All Might and he accidentally spilled the secret of One for All in his ramble. Sachi giggled at the memory, remembering how panicked he was on the phone. She was pretty sure that he tripped over his words and feet several times in the span of two minutes, even after she swore that she wouldn't say anything.

"I'm glad that you haven't blabbered to anybody about this," Gran Torino sighed, clasping his gloved hands together in gratitude. "Thanks a lot."

Sachi bowed in return. Knowing the secret was an immense privilege that she took seriously. She stood straight when she heard Izuku stumbled down the stairs, clad in his U.A. school uniform, suitcase, and yellow backpack. He missed his footing on the bottom step and scrambled to upright himself. Sachi held back her laughter as the freckled boy regained his balance, shuffling to her side and elbowed her softly. The blonde girl let out a squeak in response.

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