12 | Quirk Testing

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The next day was the same.

Wake up at an ungodly hour, walk through U.A.'s gates, take the last few exams, as well as the unexpected tests of regular academic courses, and struggle the urge to lay her head down and nap.

Sachi's lap was covered in eraser shavings as she stared at the last couple problems on a trigonometry test. Her cheek rested in the palm of her hand as her mind listed formulas for the growth and decay problem that laid in front of her, the beginning steps were already written out. She could divide the whole equation by fifty, or maybe divide it by the time?

Sachi groaned as she began to overthink.

Besides the soft beating of her heart and the timed, faint beeps of her collar, she could hear students in the hallway conversing outside of the classroom's doors. Cementoss sat in a chair at the front of the classroom, reading a classic novel. He was about halfway through the book and flipped to the next page with an absent smile.

The blonde teen bit her lip, thinking of different ways she can approach her problem. She hummed. Maybe she can redo the problem and work through it slower than her usual pace. Taking the chance, she erased her progress and started over.

Sachi had studied hard for the exams, which were prior conditions for the contract she had signed to take full effect. U.A. needed to know if she's capable of handling a difficult job at her age (taking care of the injured, the depressed, the sick, etc.). She received subtle hints last night from Present Mic that she'll be a pocket healer for something he, very vaguely, explained, and that provoked her curiosity greatly. A private healer for whom?

Jotting down her final answer, Sachi gave out a relieved sigh and leaned back into her chair like she did the day before. She was finally finished with her exams, now all she had to do was rest up and wait to be called for her quirk assessment. The thought of being able to fire off more screeching stars worried her more than excited her.

She knew that her quirk has serious drawbacks, and, due to neglect and loss of self-control during the Octopus Villian incident, she doesn't know how many fireworks she can blast off before she's at her limit. She's apprehensive about the very thought of using her quirk, a faint feeling of shame twisted its way into her core as she stared at the classroom's high ceiling.

"You may now rest, Miss Bakugou," Cementoss advised kindly, gathering her tests into his blocky hands. "Lunch will begin in ten minutes. After that, Present Mic will escort you to the training field with other teachers, including myself. Before we make the final decisions, we need to know everything about your power."

Sachi stared at him with a quirked brow. "But, what about the nosebleeds? My necklace? My readings–"

Cementoss laid a large hand on Sachi's shoulder, a comforting smile gracing his face. "Don't worry. Recovery Girl will be heavily monitoring your vitals for sudden changes. She'll be the one to stop the assessments if things go south."

Sachi pressed her lips into a small line and sighed, giving Cementoss a reluctant nod. She listened to his footsteps leave the classroom shortly after, giving some needed time alone to Sachi.

Another test, but one that unveils her quirk's physical attributes despite the incredibly small amount of use and practice. Sachi felt like she was betraying her doctor's strict orders by following through with the assessment, but she felt like this test was important; to let her know what she's capable of and hopefully use her power sparingly.

Sachi slouched over her desk in thought. What kind of test will she perform? Discover exactly how far her range is? The maximum size of an explosion? So many routes this test can go down and so many things can go wrong.

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