20 | The Tournament

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After the lunch break, Sachi had resigned herself to her new post after saying goodbye to All Might.

Other than helping students heal, her job is to soothe any doubts and bring confidence to the fighters for the one-on-one tournament. When Sachi talked with Izuku, along with Ojiro, before the first match of the tournament, she gave a bit of headway for her best friend, telling him to make wise choices and not act out.

When he was out in the ring, he lost his cool.

He acted out in order to defend his friend, and his mind was overtaken by Hitoshi Shinsou, who tricked him into answering his pegging questions.

However, the ending of the match was surprising, to say the least, with Izuku coming out on top after miraculously snapping himself out of the Shinsou's trance. Although he broke two of his fingers, Sachi was proud of him.

The next few fights went by quickly.

Todoroki won against Sero by a landslide, Shiozaki expertly tied up Kaminari, Hatsume bullied Iida, but she stepped out of bounds on purpose, Aoyama got knocked out by Ashido, Tokoyami won against Yaoyorozu, and now Kirishima was currently brawling Tetsutetsu in the ring.

Away from the roaring crowd in the stands, Sachi stood in front of Waiting Room #1 with clammy hands.

Ururaka has taken her place in Waiting Room Two earlier but has politely requested to not be aided despite the nervousness evident in her demeanor. Sachi bit her lip, wondering if her brother would want her company right now.

Suddenly, her necklace began to beep loudly, startling Sachi. It was a daily reminder to take her afternoon medication.

Quickly gathering her afternoon pills from their case, she began to hastily swallow them one by one. She sighed softly once she was finished, not really being fond of her habit. To her, it was basically second nature to swallow pills without the help of any liquids, mainly because of how absurdly often she's had to perform the small, but important task.

When she was tucking away her pill bottle, the door in front of her opened suddenly, revealing her brother in a calm state, which was odd for him to be in.

"What do you want?" he asked coolly, sliding past her and closed the door. Sachi held back a sigh, the pressure never leaving her chest.

"I am here to help you with anything before your fight," she reminded, walking to her brother's side. Katsuki glanced at her over his shoulder.

"I don't need your help. Now, leave me alone." Katsuki walked faster, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Sachi pursed her lips, picking up her pace. "Listen, I know you don't me to be here, and that you're hating the fact that I'm a medic for U.A., but could you at least talk to me?"

"About what?!" Katsuki whirled, facing his sister with a heated glare.

Sachi stumbled back but kept a cool face. "About anything that's bothering you!"

"Nothing's bothering me, and nothing will bother me!" The explosive boy snarled. "The only time I'll talk to you is when you stop playing 'nurse' and stop hanging around with those fucking losers! For the last time, leave me alone." Katsuki turned around and began to walk away, but froze when Sachi spoke.

"Is it because I have a time limit?"

Katsuki looked at her, watching her red eyes darken with sadness when he said nothing. He opened his mouth to speak but Sachi interrupted.

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