19 | U.A. Sports Festival

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       The week passed quickly with Sachi watching over Class 1-A's and 1-B's training for the annual U.A. Sports Festival. She treated many injuries during her sessions, treating cuts, bruises, and gashes. For the ones with torn ligaments, Sachi has given them morphine injections before they were sent to Recovery Girl for healing. Thankfully, Sachi only had to use the painkiller once or twice.

      When the festival came, Sachi gave a small speech to both of her classes. She was nervous, yes, but she had faith in all her students, but questioned the overall atmosphere of Class 1-A.

       The young medic watched Todoroki declare war on Izuku, as well as the entire class. Even after her speech, she seemed to not get through to the heterochromatic boy. She was told beforehand that Todoroki didn't have the most ideal upbringing, which made Sachi piece together the way he acted towards everyone around him, and it pained her.

       It pained her more when Izuku challenged Todorki's declaration. She was forced to watch the tension grow thick, unable to intervene for her role as medic, even as she followed Class 1-A and 1-B to the stadium field, being left standing at the edge of the tunnel.

       The roar of the crowd in the stands shook the concrete tunnel and Sachi's core. The number of people watching caused her anxiety to strike a small nerve, making her shrink away from the tunnel's edge.

       If she were wearing the blue uniform and standing with the other first years, her collar would be beeping throughout Present Mic's introduction because of her rapid heartbeat.

      "–And now for the athlete's oath from your first-year representative!" Midnight announced, snapping her whip as she stood proudly on the stage in the middle of the field, "Katsuki Bakugou!"

      Sachi wasn't surprised like the students standing in front of Midnight. She crossed her arms and watched her brother walk lazily up the stage and take his place in front of the microphone.

      "I'm just gonna say..." Katsuki said drearily, "I'm gonna win."

      Sachi facepalmed as the first-year classes booed at her brother. The minuscule amount of sportsmanship her brother had peeved the young medic greatly.

      Sachi shook her head with a heavy sigh, knowing full well that he's just being himself, but to dampen the overall mindset of his competitors was a taboo in her book.

      "Without further ado! Let us start with the first challenge!" Midnight announced after Katsuki rejoined his classmates.

      A holographic wheel spun behind the R-Rated Hero, spinning for a good couple of seconds before stopping on 'Obstacle Course Race'. Sachi speculated the many events that were to take place in the race, due to being excluded from the planning. Probably best that she stayed out of the meeting.

      As the three courses took their positions in front of the starting line, Sachi's eyes widened as she realized the first event was a bottleneck obstacle. She had to turn away from what would be a brutal scene right when the horn was blown.

      Sachi reclined in Recovery Girl's makeshift infirmary, watching the festival take place from a T.V. screen. The giant Zero-Point robots were the current obstacle.

      She gave a nod to Katsuki's, Sero's, and Tokoyami's strategy of passing the massive robots, using their quirks' advantage of maneuverability. Todoroki's plan was genius, as well as Yaoyarozu's barrage. The young medic rubbed the heavy fabric of her skirt between her fingers as she watched the camera switch positions to 'The Fall'.


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