22 | A Plus One

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"There are a lot of good movies playing. What do you think about seeing Dark Stride?"

Sachi shook her head. "Silver Hound sounds like a better movie. Dark Stride has a low rating anyways."

"Okay. Then what about the Dictators of the Axis?"

"Nah. Sounds too political."

"Really? I think watching a history-based movie would be pretty neat."

"I'm still sticking with Silver Hound."

"Can you two just pick a fucking movie already?"

Sachi glanced at her brother, who sat next to her with folded arms. He was staring aggressively at the many showings portrayed above the box office. "When thy commits thy act of movie watching–"

"Cut the bullshit already! It's fucking annoying!" Katsuki hissed with a roll of his eyes, turning towards his sister. "It's been thirty fucking minutes since the old hag dragged me here!"

Izuku shook his head from Sachi's left, frowning tightly at his phone as he compared the ratings and reviews of the two movies he and Sachi were arguing over. "Let's Rock, Paper, Scissors for it, Chi-chan."

"Stop calling her that, Deku!" Katsuki growled, but his complaint was swiftly ignored.

Sachi stuck out her fist while Izuku held his phone. They bounced their hands three times, and on the third bounce, Sachi stuck out her closed fist and Izuku stuck out two fingers. Rock beats scissors.

Izuku bit his lip. "Best two-out-of-three?"

"Alright! Chrome Bitch it is! Let's go!" Katsuki sighed loudly, snatching his sister's wrist and dragged her to the box office. Without stopping to wait for Izuku, Katsuki asked and paid for two tickets, then proceeded to drag his sister to the snack counter inside the theater lobby.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Sachi galled. "We have the same destination and the movie won't start for the next fifteen minutes!" Katsuki merely grunted in response, ordering a large popcorn and soda to share, and continued on to their respected theater on the first floor. Izuku gave up trying to catch up to the two, politely ordering his necessities for the movie.

"Just shut up and find us a seat," Katsuki grumbled, softly shoving his sister in front of him when they entered the dimly lit theater. The many rows of the stadium seats were mostly filled due to Silver Hound's recent publishing. Only two rows were semi-occupied, having four or five viewers waiting patiently or chatting amongst themselves. When Sachi ascended the gentle slope of stairs, Izuku caught up to the Bakugous, sipping his water.

"Why didn't you get popcorn, you fucking nerd?" Katsuki hissed as he followed his sister, careful not to catch her attention.

Izuku rolled his eyes and wiggled his injured arm. "I have one working hand, Kacchan. I can only hold one item at a time." His tone was either due to annoyance or a sudden burst of courage, but Katsuki held his tongue in order to not cause a scene. He growled a warning but stopped when Sachi sat down in the second to last row with four open seats on the edge. The blonde girl took her seat in the second chair, Katsuki settled to her right, and Izuku to her left, but 'stumbled' when he crossed his rival. After a couple of awkward minutes later, the lights overhead finally dimmed and the movie began.

At first, the dialogue and story building encaptured the trio's attention. Sachi held the popcorn bucket on her lap, occasionally popping a kernel into her mouth. On the other hand, Katsuki was shoving fistfuls into the bucket, grabbing as much as he could without taking his eyes off the screen, and Izuku thieved a few from the bucket's rim and rationed out his loot.

Which led up to Katsuki throwing kernels across Sachi to get the freckled boy to stop stealing the snack he paid for. Sachi took a sip from the soda (which her brother already drank a good portion of) and glanced at the few buttered kernels stuck in her best friend's green locks. She elbowed her brother quietly, a subtle warning to stop. He did, after taking the bucket from Sachi's lap. The young girl shook her head, watching the rising action become more and more intense.

Sachi was on the edge of her seat as the climax began. The protagonist challenged the odds and held his own from the astute antagonist. A close friend of the main character was close behind, using grenades, flashbangs, and SMG's to try and stall the evildoer's pursuit and provide cover. The protagonist held something extremely valuable, a special ability that the antagonist desperately wanted, and, cleverly, planned and laid traps in order to capture her prize.

Katsuki chuckled and muttered a comment when a barrage of detonated grenades filled the screen with a brilliant firey light. The theater room shook with the bass, giving a more realistic effect to the stunt. Sachi swallowed a gulp of her brother's soda and watched the protagonist suddenly grab his friend a blinked forward. A sparkling cloud of grey smoke quickly dissipated from the duo's prior position, revealing that the partners were kilometers ahead. Sachi had heard that teleportation was a rare quirk, no wonder that this crazy and obsessed woman wanted the main character so badly.

Suddenly, the walls of the theater shook. The audience thought none of it as another barrage of explosives lit the big screen. However, Katsuki and Izuku looked around, their attention turned elsewhere. Sachi leaned towards her brother, still closely watching the action unfold.

"Earthquake?" She asked in a hush. Katsuki placed down the finished popcorn bucket onto the floor and tilted his head towards his sister.

"Maybe. Just keep watching." Sachi nodded, settling back into her chair and refocused on the movie, albeit confused at the sudden tremor.

When the falling action began, the antagonist going ape shit and monologuing in the middle of a smoking battlefield, the theater shook again, but this time it was much stronger. Then another temblor followed shortly after, causing the movie to shut off and the lights to turn on. Panic rose from the audience and Sachi's heartbeat quickened, her choker notifying the alert in a short message.

Katsuki hovered over his seat with a hand clenched tightly over Sachi's forearm. Izuku looked around wildly as another wave of vibrations struck the theater. Citizens began to rush the emergency exit at the front, bottlenecking the small doorway.

"What's happening?!" Sachi yelped, gulping down her own panic. Katsuki glanced down at her with blazing red eyes.

Then, the left side of the theater exploded, rubble and plaster flew from the concussive blast. Katsuki roughly shoved his sister to the floor and Izuku dove on top of her, shielding her from the flying debris. Katsuki cursed as he ducked low and covered the both of them in a few blasts of his own, deflecting the oncoming rubble. Sachi cowered beneath her best friend, routes of escaped flowed through her head in quick succession.

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