Nancy Drew

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Josh and I sit on the couch in my living room the TV playing "The Nun" but we are too engage with each other to notice what is happing on the screen. This night was turning out to be great the test I took came back native so no babies right now thank our lucky stars. And now I am about to make love to my best friend.

His hand gland under my dress grabbing my ass, a moan escapes my lips as he pulls me closer to him. My hands come between us trying to undo his jeans.

"Mia" he whispers into my ear "Mia," he says again his voice sounding different. "Mia"

My eyes pop open damn it had only been a dream I look over at a wall I never have seen before it was the color of puke green color. My arms feel heavy so I try to lift them up only to find out that they are tied to the bed. I start to panic pulling at the restraints I look to the other side.

"Hello Mia"

My eye cloud over as I shake my head "No, you're in prison"

He smiles, it was that smile that drew me to him the first time. "They can't hold me no one can"

I try to remember what had happened, I remember hearing someone at the house I thought it was Josh and start down to see him. I remember getting to the bottom of the steps and all the lights going out. I had called for Josh but didn't get an answer. Then I remember a hand covering my mouth and that's it everything went black.

"You drug me," I ask

"Chloroform it won't hurt you"

"Why are you doing this"

"You made a promise to me Mia and you broke it"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I hate that I am crying right now but he has me tied down with no way to move.

"Mia you promised me that I would be your first"

I shake my head "You lied to me, I thought you were my friend. I thought you were a teen like me"

He smiles "I can be anything you want me to be baby"

"You stole that man's identity, lied about who you were"

"Will now I don't have to lie about that do I, let me introduce myself to you, Christopher Wade"

He climbs up over me "Get off me"

"I go by Chris but you can call me Daddy"

I shiver as his hand goes down my body, I turn my face as he caresses it. I felt disgusted by him, his body and hand on me, I scrunched my nose up at him my whole body tensing up.

"Get away from me" I hiss at him
"I've waited long enough for you." He hisses his hand grabs my face making me look at him "You know it pissed me off when you turn me down telling me you weren't ready, but I had to play the part, pretend it was alright just to keep you hooked. And I almost had you, if you weren't so stubborn" his hand caress down my body again as tears fall from my eye "Now I have you where I want you"
What we ended up on was not Mia, it was so kind of sick ritual. So I was glad that it wasn't Mia. Kyle, Autumn, and I backtracked out of there before we got caught up in something we didn't want to get caught up in. Kyle's dad meets us at the beach as we were coming out of the woods we told him what was going on.
"Why don't y'all go on home," he tells us
"Not until I find Mia," I tell him
"Josh we're going to find Mia but we don't need you running around with a gun getting into trouble either"

I nod


We start back to our trucks.

"Is there something your not telling me son?" Mr. Dancer asked as we walked

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