No One Has to Know

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I wake up wrapped in Vance's arms, I hadn't meant to fell asleep at his house but I must have been tried. I turned in under him looking up at his sleeping face. It was still dark out and I could hear the music from downstairs drift up here.

"Vance" I whisper


"Are you going to make them go home"

"It'll be alright they'll go when they get ready"

"I think I should be going home"

His eyes open meeting mine "Stay tonight"

I smile "If I stay what will happen"

"What do you want to happen"

"I'm not ready Vance"

He nods "Alright, I told you I'll wait didn't I"


He turns leaning up over me where our eyes meet he grabs my neck something I have gotten used to since we were together. Tighten his grip he leans down kissing my lips hard. One hand traveling down my body, I arch into him.

"Your so beautiful baby" he hisses against my lips

"You tell me that a lot"

"I want to be your first Mia," he tells me "Promise me..."

I don't let him finish "What if we break up"

"Don't talk like that" he just about shouts at me tighten his grip once again "Don't ever say that"

It wasn't the first time he has got mad when I would say something like that. I was just being realistic but he didn't like talking about it.

"I'm sorry" I hiss

He leans down kissing my lips once again his grip around my neck only tighten more. I feel his hand rub between my thigh and I stop him.

"I'm tired," I tell him

"Stay with me"

"Alright tonight" I lean up kissing his lips

"That's my girl" he falls to the bed beside me and I crawl up in his arms. I didn't want to stay but I didn't want to make him mad at me either.

He's never hurt me but he could scare me sometimes with how mad he could get. He had made it clear that I was his and he didn't like when I flirted with other guys. Not even Josh, I had to be careful around him when it came to Josh. He knew that Josh and I had made-out a couple of times and he didn't like the fact that I still called Josh every once in a while to come to sleep with me because of my dreams. He had often asked me to stay with him but up until tonight, I had told him no.


At school the next few weeks everything seems to slow down, Mia and Vince seem to be doing good and work well together I give them a little room. But still, I feel as if there is something Vince is hiding from us. Maddie and I are doing a little better, I have started keeping my thought of Mia to myself when I am with her and anything that has to do with Mia and Vince I keep to myself. Sam said that his father would do a search for me and send it to my email. I know that if anything is found the police will be involved from here on out.

It's a Tuesday and I sit at the table at lunch beside Mia, Vince sits on the other side of her. I watch as he pulls her closer to him whispering something to her. She was smiling but after whatever he had to say to her, her smile was gone. I didn't like that whatever he said made her sad.

"You alright" I lean in to whisper so she can hear me

She gives me a weak smile "I'm fine"

"Don't say your fine if your not Mia"

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