Spring Break

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It was Friday the day before Spring break, therapy was going pretty good so far we talked about school and home. We hadn't got around to talking about the real reason why I am there yet but that's ok I'm not in any hurry. Josh and Maddie have been going out for awhile now and he had invited her to come to the bar-b-q. I can't wait, he gave her my number so she can call me if she needed any help.

Right at this moment, I am in gym class on the bleachers watching as the boys in our class play some basketball. Autumn sits a roll down from me on the phone I think Facetime or something not sure. And Livi and Beth are on the next roll talking about something. I am in my own world I guess.

"Mia are you listening," Beth asked

I look down at her

"Huh," I asked

"This new girl that Josh is seeing you met her right"

"Once she seems nice"

"I feel like he's moving fast," Livi says

"He lives in the fast lane what can I say," I tell her

I get a buzz on my phone looking down I see Maddie's number pop up.

"Hold on guys," I tell them and take my phone walking away so, on one can hear.


"Mia hey it's Maddie"

"Yeah, I got your name on my phone"

"Oh, great, I was just wondering if it was alright if I brought Nick with me to the Bar-b-q"

"Sure the more the merrier," I say with a smile

"Great think's Mia, oh do I need to bring anything"

"Not unless you want to"

"Great see you this weekend I can't wait"

"Me neither"

We hang up, I head back up joining my friends

"Who was that" Autumn asked

"Maddie, she was wanting to know if she could bring her friend along"

"Oh this is going to be fun," Livi says

"I know it, we have the bar-b-q than Josh is talking about the beach," I tell them

"As long as Kyle's in I'm in," Autumn says

"You know Kyle's going be in he wouldn't miss it for the world," I tell her

"Sam said something about going up to a cabin," Livi says

"Yup we might if he can talk his dad into letting him have the keys for the week," I tell her

"Oh that would be fun" she smiles "Alone just us and the guys"

"Oh Livi you dirty little girl" I tease

She smiles "Sam brings out the bad in me"

The bell rings and we head to our next classes the rest of the day is full of everyone preparing to close the school for break. They let out early so we all met up outside in the parking lot to talk about what we are doing. I wait beside Josh's truck as we all gather round.

"So did you get it," Josh asked Sam

He holds up the keys "We can go tomorrow"

"Awe man this is going be great" Kyle sings from the other side of Josh

"You guys asked your folks right," Sam asked

"I asked my last week," I told them, "They told me as long as I have fun and behave myself"

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