Chapter 24

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I skimmed over a book which gave an overview of material manipulation. If the magic the bracelet cast was similar learning about it should be useful. Cin had calmed down a bit was slamming her keyboard harder than usual, so maybe she was still angry. The sound of her keyboard was calming, like the clicking of a clock.

I placed the bracelet on the book and touched it with my finger. Even a little bit of magic would make the bracelet levitate, spin and heat up. I could cast the binding with my magic by that doesn't help me break the binding. I took a cube of the eternal darkness from my box and put the bracelet on top of it.

I watched it closely but nothing happened. The bracelet absorbs energy effortlessly but can't take in the eternal darkness. The clicking sound stopped. I looked up and met Cin's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know. The bracelet is sensitive to even my magic but does work with a piece of the eternal darkness which should be pure magic."

"Um... maybe it isn't the right form. The eternal darkness and the magic inside our bodies are different. Like how iron ore and haemoglobin are different," said Cin.

I nodded and placed my hand over it. I dissipated the eternal darkness into a cloud of dark vapour. I swirled it around the bracelet which remained motionless on the table. I reformed the cube. The clicking started again and I placed my head on the table and closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep, I had been perpetually tired for the past few days. Maybe my body hadn't healed after running around with Gregor or maybe it was because of all the magic I had been using.

The clicking stopped followed by the screeching of a chair against the floor. I looked up and Cin was standing up and staring at her screen with wide eyes and a smug grin. She looked at me with sparkling eyes.

"Tristan, I. am. god."

"Wow, so modest Cin," I chuckled.

Cin rolled her eyes. "You should be more impressed. I removed the location lock on your phone and connected it to the VPN. I had to basically re-write the programming but you are free of the limitations our governments put on out technology."

Cin unplugged my phone from her laptop and passed it to me. My wallpaper was set to the generic images. I opened up my Gmail app and logged in. There were two emails, one from Gregor and one from Google saying someone was trying to hack into my account. I'm guessing the latter was probably Cin.

"You're a genius Cin!" I exclaimed.

"Not a genius. I am god," said Cin in a deep tone.

"Yes, yes! You're god. Thank you so much!"

"No problem. I'm going try to do the same to my phone and see if it works off realm for my phone as well," grinned Cin. She sat back down and started to work again.

I couldn't hide my smile as I opened Gregor's email.

I like cake! I'm not a monster ;-) Well I am a bit of a monster but I'm not that much of a monster. Actually the penis festival sounds fun, we should go.

Yeah, my mum and Percy do say and do very similar things. But they also get really annoyed when I point out that they're similar. They fight all the time over nothing, I think it must be because they are basically the same.

I've been to Goblin world a lot, mostly with my uncle. There is forest inside a cave which you can only go by helicopter (or portal magic like what we did). It was really amazing because if you go into the cave tunnels away from the cavern opening where the forest it you can find luminescent worms and plants. Then there was this one reservation for a giant tusked deer which is really creepy. They're used to people so they're friendly but they are famous for digging up graves and eating human bodies and bones. I hear it's normal for deer but these ones are especially creepy looking with their fangs. Goblin world also has lots of food festivals. There is one in a city called Oliveira (which I checked is approximately Turkey in your world) in a couple months. I'll (hopefully) by free so do you want to go?

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