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My day at school had felt incredibly long. I was so tired, as I had stayed up until two in the morning talking to Wes. That was a stupid decision. 

I walked out of the school. I tried to push my way through the crowd of people.

"Told you he'd leave you for someone better," one of Stephanie's friends muttered, clearly talking about Keaton. I hadn't given much thought about our breakup in the last few days, and I just tried to ignore people's passing comments about it.

I turned around. "You know what, I'm so done. I can't take this shit anymore," I said. People started to back away from me, wanting to hear what I was going to say. "Yes, we broke up. There was no cheating, there was no one else involved, no huge fight to end it all. We just broke up. Why is that so fucking hard for all of you to understand?" I said, my voice raised. "And to all of you fans out there, it's your lucky day. Keaton's all yours."

I turned my back on them, leaving the school grounds. I heard someone running behind me. Kaylee appeared at my side.

"I really don't understand you anymore. Two weeks ago, you were reminding him how much you loved him. Now you're kicking him to the curb," she said.

"I'm trying to move on, and you're not exactly helping," I grumbled.

"Sorry for wondering," she muttered.

I stopped walking, turning towards her. "No, that's just it. Everybody's been 'just wondering' about the breakup this week. It's getting really annoying. I'm so fucking done with it," I said, using air quotes on "just wondering."

"See, this is what I mean! You've changed a lot in the last week, Chloe. You used to swear here and there, now fuck seems to be your favorite word. You've been acting so bitchy, too. I think your idea of moving on is completely changing your attitude, and that's not what moving on is!" she was screaming by the end of talking.

That got me really mad. "Well, maybe this is my way of moving on!" I yelled.

"Well, if this is how you're gonna be, I can't be friends with you anymore," she retorted, walking away.

It took me a minute to realize what had just happened. I was acting like a total bitch. I wasn't trying to, it just happened.

"Kaylee, wait!" I called.

She turned around. "I'm done."

I ran into my house, tears running down my face. I slammed my bedroom door shut. By that time, sobs were escaping my lips. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I tapped on the name of the person I needed most at that moment.

"Hey," Wes said.

"Wes, my life has become a living hell. I'm trying to move on, but it's not working, and I was acting like a total bitch all week. Kaylee and I just got into a fight, and she told me our friendship is over. I've lost two of the people I need most. I don't know what to do anymore, Wes!" I cried.

"That's not good. But I know Kaylee just as well as you do, and I know she'll forgive you. I'm not saying you'll wake up tomorrow and it'll all be okay, but it will be, eventually. Just give it a few days." He paused. "Did something happen between you two?"

"Kind of. One of Stephanie's friends said something to me about Keaton, and I went on a big rant in front of half the student population. Then Kaylee got all mad, saying I've changed. But I'm not trying to change, I'm just trying to move on."

"It sounds like you've been changing without realizing it. Just watch what you're doing. Try to break these new habits. Then maybe Kaylee will come back to you a little faster."

"Thanks, Wes. It means a lot."

"No problem. Look, I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright, bye," I said, hanging up. I sighed. Life sucked sometimes.

Keaton's P.O.V.

The past two weeks had been so hard for me. I was really struggling. I was still really torn up over Chloe. It made me so sad that she didn't want to be with me anymore. I had never loved any girl as much has her. She made me so happy. She, along with Wes, Drew, and Kaylee, was the reason I looked forward to the upcoming days.

Wes, Drew, and I were waiting for a meet and greet to start. I was standing to the side, scrolling through my Instagram feed. Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Wes standing there.

"Keaton, I gotta talk to you about something," he said.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked.

"You've seemed really sad lately, and the fans have noticed. I don't mean to sound heartless, but you gotta try to put on a smile. Do it for them. I know you can do it."

He was right. I knew the fans had noticed. "Yeah, okay."

Just then, the fans started coming in. Wes and I went back to the meet and greet area. The first two girls came up. One approached me. I gave her a hug.

"Thanks for coming out," I said, a smile on my face.

"I love you, Keaton, thank you for everything," she said. "Do you think you can kiss my cheek in the picture? If you can't, that's okay. I know you have a girlfriend, so you don't have to."

I was mentally cringing. I kept the smile on my face, however. "No, it's okay. I'll kiss your cheek in the picture."

We posed for the picture, and I kissed the girl's cheek. Something just didn't feel right about it. Even though I was trying to move on, kissing a fan's cheek still felt weird. I felt like I was betraying not only myself, but also Chloe.

+ + + + +

kind of a short chapter sorry

i wrote the first half of this chapter in like january lol

ATTENTION: i have posted skinny love! (additional book in the "chloe" series that tells wes and kaylee's story) you can find it on my profile.

as sad as it is to say, this book is ending soon. there are only about 12 chapters left (not including the epilogue)

however, skinny love will be started. (chloe, keaton, and drew will still be in that book, though.)

i might start a one shot book too because i have so many chapters that i've just planned in my head


yeah that's all i really have to say



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