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My eyes fluttered open the next morning. Keaton was already awake.

"Good morning," he said. He sounded tired, but I was sure that all of us would, as we had stayed up past midnight.

"Morning," I replied, moving closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me, placing a kiss on my cheek. 

There was quite some noise coming from the kitchen. Kaylee and Wes, obviously. 

"I bet they're trying to get us up," Keaton guessed.

"We should probably get out there before they come barging in," I replied. 

We got out of bed. I fixed my ponytail, which had gotten messed up during the night. We went out into the kitchen, where Wes was making breakfast. Kaylee was on the couch.

"Finally! You guys take forever," Kaylee whined. "By the way, Drew is in his apartment. I made him go clean it up."

"We all stayed up until midnight, you idiot," I pointed out. She shrugged. Wes turned around.

"Whoa, Keaton, is that sex hair?" he joked.

"Nope, I don't fuck at the age of 16, unlike you. Oh, wait, you were fourteen. I forgot," Keaton retorted.

Kaylee, Drew, and I started laughing. I couldn't believe Wes had lost his virginity at 14.

"That was Emma's idea, for the record," Wes said.

"Yeah, sure. Now get back to making our food," Kaylee demanded. We joined her on the couch.

"I'm tired," I whined. I leaned on Keaton, looking at the screen of his phone. He was looking on iTunes. My eyes widened at what I saw.

"Holy shit, Chloe's already in the top 50!" Keaton yelled.

"No way! That's awesome!" Wes exclaimed. "That was fast!"

"Gotta love Emblems," Keaton said. "There's only one thing, though, we're gonna get the same question over and over again. We wanted to talk to you about that anyway, Chloe. Do you want people to know it's about you, or do you want it to be a secret?"

"Don't feel like you have to say it's okay, we're cool with whatever you want to do," Wes added.

Honestly, I didn't want anyone to know it was about me. I didn't want to be 'famous' quite yet. I had heard so many stories about bad incidents with being famous, and about how terrible it was to be in the public eye.

"I kind of want to stay a secret for now," I admitted.

"That's fine with us. It's up to you when, and if, we introduce you to the world," Keaton said.

"Food is ready," Wes announced. We each grabbed a plate of pancakes and bacon and returned to the couch.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Kaylee asked.

"We have to go sign some stuff around eleven. No fans around for that, though. We're raffling off a few signed skateboard decks. It will literally take five minutes. We have an hour for lunch and stuff like that. Then we have to go to sound check for the show tonight, which starts at five-thirty. We're doing Chloe and a few others. I think it's Curious, Sunset Blvd, Indigo, and Say What You Mean. We'll head back here after that," Wes explained.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked.

"We have a meet and greet at noon, and God knows how long that will last. No plans after that. Before you ask, we've got no plans for Sunday. We'll chill here for a bit, then head back to Huntington later," Keaton said.

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