Santa Monica

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It had been two weeks since Kaylee and I had been with the guys. I missed them a lot. I was so proud of them for being able to do what they loved, but at the same time, it sucked. They weren't around as much as they had always been before. Since the guys had given us their apartment keys, Kaylee and I had been staying in LA for the past few days. It was fun to be there, but it wasn't the same without Wes, Keaton, and Drew.

I was sitting on Keaton's bed, looking for phone cases on my laptop. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I picked it up, reading the caller ID. Tyler. That was unusual. I answered the call.

"Hey Tyler, long time no talk," I said, laughing a bit.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I haven't seen you in awhile. So, anyway, I'm heading up to Santa Monica Pier with Kory, Isabella, and my sister Ally, and I wanted to see if you and Kaylee wanted to come. I know you don't really know them, but Wes, Keaton, and Drew keep talking about having you meet them, so I thought I'd invite you guys."

I hadn't been to Santa Monica Pier in awhile, so this sounded like fun. Plus, I had been wanting to meet Kory, Isabella, and Ally. "Sure, that sounds like a lot of fun. What time are you leaving?"

"We're planning on leaving in, like, 45 minutes or so. Are you in Huntington, or are you up in LA?"

"Kaylee and I are both in LA, at Wes and Keaton's apartment."

"Alright, cool. I'll be there around 10:30."

"Sounds good. See you then. Bye," I said, hanging up.

I went out into the living room, explaining to Kaylee what was going on that day. After that, I went back into Keaton's room, getting changed into high-waisted shorts and a blue cropped shirt reading "So Cal." I fixed my hair and did my makeup as well. Time flew by, because by the time I left the bathroom, there was a knock at the door.

I put on my flip flops and went to the door, opening it up. Sure enough, Tyler was there, with a girl who looked a little younger than me.

"Hey, Chloe, good to see you. This is my sister, Ally," Tyler said.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you," I said.

"Same to you," Ally replied.

Kaylee came over to us. "You must be Ally. Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too."

"You guys ready to go?" Tyler asked.

"Yep," I replied.

I shut the apartment door as we left. Tyler led us downstairs to his car. Kaylee and I got into the backseat, with a girl who I assumed was Isabella. Kory was in the front seat, and Ally was in the third row.

"Kory, Isabella, this is Kaylee and Chloe. Girls, this is Kory and Isabella," Tyler said.

"Okay, so you guys actually exist, we've confirmed that now. The boys and Tyler are pretty good liars sometimes, and Keaton's pretty good with Photoshop," Kory joked. 

I chuckled. "They do like to lie. Well, Wes and Drew at least. They literally pay Keaton to go along with their lies."

Kory and Isabella laughed. "That's so them," Isabella said.

+ + + + +

The six of us had just gotten off the Ferris wheel. "That was so awesome!" Kaylee exclaimed.

"I haven't been here in awhile, so that was a lot of fun," I added.

"It was super dope. Is anyone else hungry, or is it just me?" Tyler asked.

"I'm starving," Ally replied.

"We need food, like, now," Kory announced.

We walked over to a food stand. Most of the tables were full. We could only find two tables, one with two chairs, and one with four.

"I have an idea. Kory and I can sit here, and you girls can have your own table," Tyler suggested.

"That works," Kaylee said.

Isabella, Ally, Kaylee, and I went over to our table.

"I'll go get the food. There's not much on the menu, so I'm assuming burgers for everyone?" Ally asked. We all nodded.

"I'm gonna come with you," Kaylee said. The two of them left the table.

I turned to Isabella. "You having fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, a lot of fun. It's awesome to have finally met you and Kaylee. I seriously heard so much about you two. I could probably write a biography about each of you."

I chuckled. "Same here, same here."

My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing that Keaton was calling. "I'll be right back," I told Isabella, walking to the railing of the pier. I answered the call.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, cutie. How's your day going?" he asked.

"Great, actually. I'm at Santa Monica Pier with Kaylee, Tyler, Kory, Isabella, and Ally."

"Oh, you finally got to meet them! I wish I was there. I miss you a lot."

"I miss you, too. You get back Saturday though, right?"

"Yeah, only a few more days until I get to see you." I could tell he was smiling, even though I couldn't see him. "But it'll be sooner than you think."

"I sure hope so."  I looked over at Isabella, who was motioning for me to come back. "I gotta go before Isabella rips my head off."

He chuckled. "That's Isabella for ya. Alright, I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye," I said, hanging up.

I went back over to the table. "God, you take forever!" Isabella groaned, in a way that we both knew she was joking. "Who were you talking to, anyway?"

"Keaton," I replied.

"Oh, I miss that little idiot," she said, laughing a bit.

I chuckled. "I think we all do."

+ + + + + 

sorry for the late update, i was at camp and i didn't bring my phone or my laptop.


okay i'm done ranting about the show 

#e3allaboutthatbass is life

fireside is over wow okay well i didn't have tickets anyway so yeah

it's been more than a year since i first saw E3

dedicated to lauren 'cause she took the time to read chloe and nothing to lose even though she doesn't like E3 that much and thinks i talk about wattpad too much oops

and also this is kind of a short update sorry


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