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In the next few chapters, the POV's will be switching during the chapter. It will always start in Chloe's POV, however.

+ + + + +

It had been two days since I had broken up with Keaton. I was now in Washington, visiting Stephanie at her college. Kaylee had ended up coming with us, since she had nothing better to do all weekend. 

In the last two days, I had realized something. Even if Keaton still had feelings for me, he would never want to get back together with me. I had broken up with him for such a dumb reason. If I were him, I would never forgive me. As sad as it was to think about, I knew that I was going to have to move on. Besides, it wasn't like either of us could show up at the door and apologize. Keaton was on the other side of the country.

I was sitting on Stephanie's bed in her dorm room. Stephanie was on her roommate's bed, and Kaylee was on the floor. We were talking about Keaton.

"I know that I'm just gonna have to move on. He's not gonna want me back," I said.

"Chloe, don't think like that. It's gonna be okay," Stephanie reassured.

"Stephanie's right. He'll come around one day soon, I know it. I know it really sucks right now, but it will get better," Kaylee added.

"Thanks, guys, but I don't think it's really gonna work out that way," I answered, letting out a sigh. Just then, my phone started ringing. It was Wes. "I gotta take this."

I answered the call, as Stephanie and Kaylee left the room. "Hey," I said.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"Not much. I was just talking to Steph and Kaylee. You?"

"Just chilling before the show tonight."


"You doing alright?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess."

"If you ever need someone to talk to, just call me whenever. I'll always answer, unless I'm onstage."


There was noise in the background. "Look, I gotta go, but I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Kay. Bye, Wes Master Fresh."

Wesley's POV

"Bye, C-Swag," I said, hearing her chuckle as I ended the call. 

 I looked up to see that Keaton had entered the room. "Keaton, when are you gonna start talking?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb here, I'm being serious right now. You've gotta talk to me about this at some point. You can't bottle up your feelings forever."

He turned away. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Keaton, come on. I'm your brother. You can talk to me about-"

He cut me off. "I said I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" he snapped.

I put my hands up in defense. There was a short period of silence. I had my eyes on the floor the whole time.

"I don't wanna talk about it, 'cause it cut me deep." He turned around. "I love her, Wes." With that, he left the room.

He loved her. I figured that was the most I would get out of him for awhile.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I said. The door opened, revealing Selena.

She sat down on the couch, where I was sitting as well. "Is Keaton alright? He looked pretty upset when he came out of here."

I sighed. "Honestly, no. He's really not."

"What happened? You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."

"No, you should know. Do you want the brief story, or the long story?"

"I've got time for a long story."

I cleared my throat. "Well, then you better get comfortable, I'm not sure how long this is gonna take," I said, chuckling.

"So, you know the song, Chloe, obviously." She nodded. "Well, Chloe is Keaton's girlfriend. Well, was. But I'll get to that.

"About two years ago, Keaton and Chloe were in history class. They didn't know each other. Keaton whispered something to her about the class being boring. They hit it off and basically became best friends. Then about a month later, Keaton started dating Chloe's sister, Stephanie. But Chloe really liked Keaton during that time, so it was hard for her. But after a few weeks, they broke up, and Keaton asked Chloe out. They went on a few dates, and then they became a couple. Chloe introduced us to her best friend, Kaylee, and ever since then, we've all been best friends.

"After that, they had a really great relationship going for awhile. They broke up for, like, not even a week one time, but they don't even count that anymore. Then a few months later, we left for X Factor. That was hard for all five of us, but especially for them. Chloe almost cried when we left and when she and Kaylee came to visit us. But the whole time we were on the show, Keaton was working on this song. He wouldn't let me or Drew help him or even see the lyrics. He only showed it to us when the lyrics were all written. That was where the song Chloe came from.

"We got back from X Factor the day before Keaton and Chloe's one year anniversary, which was perfect timing. The next day, we played the song for her. She absolutely loved it. A few days after that, Simon signed us to his record label. He loved the song, and it became our first single. We kept her a secret from the public for awhile. But she eventually decided she didn't care anymore. Their relationship only became stronger after that, but the day before we left to come here, the worst happened.

"Chloe came up to LA to say goodbye to us. While she was up there, she broke up with Keaton. She thought it would be easier for both of them if they were just friends, and that they wouldn't miss each other as much. But damn, she was so wrong. They've both been really upset about the whole thing, but Chloe's convinced herself that he would never want her back after she did such a stupid thing, and Keaton won't talk about it. So, yeah."

"Wow. That really sucks. Breakups are hard." Selena said. "They'll come around, though. It takes time. Keaton will open up when he's ready, and Chloe will eventually realize that she's being ridiculous."

"I sure hope so," I said.

+ + + + +


i started school a few weeks ago, so i've been really busy. i've also been procrastinating a bit, too. but here's the good news: i have the next 4 or 5 chapters all planned out, i just need to write them.


did anyone watch the livestream last week? keaton really likes paninis huh? lol. i actually had a panini for dinner that night so when he had a panini i was like "OMG WE'RE TWINNING"

and i can't wait for new music

also emblem3 are coming to my state this weekend and i can't go to the concert. do you hear me crying?

but the good news is that my mom said i can get vip on the next tour and i might go to a jake miller concert in november

wow i did a lot in the last month

okay i'm done now


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