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Lately, I knew there had been something bothering me, but I had no idea what it was. It would put me in a bad mood, make me upset, sometimes bring tears to my eyes. But the reason just didn't come to me. Until the day before the wedding.

There I was, sitting on my bed, tears running down my face. I realized it was because of Keaton. I had been concerned that he would leave me for someone else. I wouldn't have blamed him if he were to; he deserved better than me. He deserved someone prettier, someone who lived closer to him, someone who could make him the happiest person alive. I wanted to be that girl, but it just seemed so impossible to me.

I turned to grab my phone from my bedside table, when I noticed the two framed pictures I had. One of them was of Keaton and I on the day of the sophomore and junior spring formal. Although it was over a year ago, you could still see how in love we were, even if neither of us knew it at that time. The second picture was of Keaton and I again, one Kaylee had taken. It was our New Year's kiss from that year. I got so caught up in the memories, I lost it.

I burst into tears, turning away from the pictures. I couldn't help it. I was just so afraid of losing Keaton; not only as my boyfriend, but as my best friend, too. I learned that day that the thought brought me to tears.

Stephanie came into my room. "What happened?" she asked, sounding panicked.

I started to calm myself down enough to answer her. "It's not really what happened, but what could happen. You... you wouldn't understand. Just- answer the door in a few minutes."

"Alright." She left my room.

I grabbed my phone, opening up the Messages app and sending a fast text to Keaton.

From: Chloe

Can you come over? I really need you right now

He was quick to respond.

From: Keaton

On my way

I grabbed a few tissues, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was glad that Keaton was coming. It didn't matter if I didn't talk to him about what was wrong at all. All I wanted was just a shoulder to cry on.

A few minutes later, my door opened, revealing Keaton. He shut the door quickly, coming to sit down next to me. Worry was written all over his expression. "Hey, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arm around me.

"I- I don't even know... I guess lately I've been scared of losing you. That you'll leave me for someone better."

He looked at me right in the eyes, a serious expression on his face. "Chloe, I'll never leave you. Ever. There is no 'better girl' in my mind. You're that better girl. You're everything I've ever wanted, and more, in a girlfriend and a best friend. I would never want anyone else besides you, because I love you. Nothing will change that. I promise."

His response meant a lot to me. Even though I was scared of losing him, I still knew deep down that he would never do that. What he had said confirmed that for me.

"I love you, too," I breathed. We sat there for a few minutes, not saying anything. I eventually broke the silence. "Thank you for coming."

"It really isn't anything you need to thank me for. I'm always here for you, and you know that. Even if I'm in LA, I'm just a FaceTime call away," Keaton said.

"I know, but I still feel bad, because you were probably doing something else when I texted you, and my room is a mess, and oh my God, I look terrible," I said, realizing how bad I looked.

"Chlo, it doesn't matter if you're all dressed up, or if you're like you are now, in sweatpants with no makeup. You'll always be beautiful to me." He kissed my cheek. "Do you want to go back to my house? Breezie, Wes, and I were just chilling out earlier."

"Sure, but I'm changing first," I replied.

I got up, grabbing jeans and a blue tank top. I went into my bathroom, getting changed. I quickly fixed my hair as well. I couldn't find my eyeliner. I went out into my room, spotting it on my dresser. I picked it up, only to have it taken out of my hand by Keaton.

"You don't need makeup. You look beautiful already," he said, a smile on his face.

"Lies," I said.

"I'm not bringing you to my house if you wear makeup." The smile was still there.

I chuckled. "You're so difficult."

We left my house, walking to Keaton's street. We went in through the basement, since Breezie was already sitting there. Since Wes and Keaton had taken all of their music-related things with them when they moved, the basement now held couches and a big flat screen TV.

"Oh my gosh, Chloe Brooks isn't wearing eyeliner. What has this world come to?" she joked, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, 'cause your annoying brother took it away from me," I laughed.

She started clapping, slowly. "Nice work, Keaton." He just laughed.

But anyway, yay, you brought Chloe. Now I'm not outnumbered," Breezie said, as Keaton and I sat down. Just then, Wes came downstairs, taking a seat.

"Yeah, but I brought her here, so you can't steal her," Keaton joked.

"But Breezie's better than you, so maybe I'll let her steal me," I retorted.

"But I'm better than Breezie, which makes me the best," Wes added.

"Guys, chill. Let's all just agree that Sampson is the best," I said, noticing that the dog had come downstairs. "Come here, Sampson."

He jumped onto the couch, sitting on my lap. I loved that Sampson was a small dog. It was nice to be able to pick him up and hold him in my arms. He was such a cute dog.

"Oh my gosh, we should do imitations of each other. That was really random, but it would be funny," Breezie suggested.

"Let's do it," Wes said.

"Wait, I want to video this." She pulled out her phone. "Don't argue. Okay, um... Wes, you go first. Imitate Keaton."

"I have the perfect thing," Wes laughed.

"Congratulations, now go already!" I said.

"Wow, Wes, you're so pathetic, you can't even ask out a girl," he said, making his voice high-pitched. Breezie and I burst out laughing.

"When have I ever said that?" Keaton laughed.

"Oh, you know, that time," Wes joked.

"Okay, Chloe, do me," Breezie said.

I thought about that for a minute. "Wes, you're an idiot. Just shut up. Drew, oh my God, stop it. Keaton, get your ass in here," I said, in a sassy tone.

She started clapping. "Very accurate. Keaton, do Chloe."

"Kaylee, make Wes shut up. He's driving me crazy. Keaton, no, just no. Drew, get out," Keaton said.

"What's up with wanting me to shut up?" Wes laughed.

"You're just extremely annoying," I joked. "Breezie, do Wes," I said.

"What? What? I have no freaking idea what you're saying. Talk louder," she said.

"Seems pretty correct," I said.

I was having a lot of fun. My night may have started out bad, but it definitely turned around.

+ + + + +

This chapter is kinda short. Don't worry, next chapter will definitely be 3 pages or more, because it's the WEDDING OMG I'm way too excited for that chapter. It's basically finished. I wrote it a month ago haha

So... Campfire Tour? I'm totally going, and I WILL meet them this time. Me and Makenzie are saving up our dough haha

And to the side we have a hilarious throwback picture of Wes and Drew.


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