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Stephanie and I were at the mall, doing a bit of shopping. Since I would be with the guys when she was leaving for college, we had decided to spend a day together before  we ran out of time.

"I don't know, Steph, I don't really like wearing crop tops," I said, unsure. Stephanie wanted me to try on a cropped shirt that she had found in the store that we were in.

"Come on, just try it," she said. I sighed, taking the shirt from her hand. She smiled. 

I went into a dressing room, taking off the shirt I had on and putting on the cropped one. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit, I liked the way it looked. I wasn't a huge fan of shirts like this, but my opinion changed that day. 

I opened the dressing room door to show Stephanie. She gave me a huge smile. "You have to get that shirt!"

I chuckled. "I will."

I went back into the dressing room, putting my original shirt back on. I brought the cropped top to the cash register and paid for it. After that, Stephanie and I left the store.

"Where do you want to go next?" Stephanie asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter," I replied.

She grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a store full of dresses. "We're gonna get you some awesome ones."

Steph looked through the racks, picking up a few dresses from each one. I skimmed through a few, grabbing two dresses that I liked. A few minutes later, Steph approached me, her hands full with dresses. She led me to the dressing rooms, hanging all of the dresses up.

"Let's go through these first, before you try them on. Set aside any that you don't like," she said.

I looked through the dresses. I pulled out a black polka-dotted dress. I wasn't a fan of polka dots. Steph took the dress, shutting the dressing room door as she walked out. I was left with seven dresses to try on.

I put on the first dress, which was a sea blue strapless dress. I had to say, I really liked it. I set it aside, moving on to the next two dresses. I didn't like the way either of them looked on me. Next was a black and white striped sleeveless dress. It was definitely one I was considering. After that, I tried on a red short-sleeved dress and a green strapless dress. I didn't like either of them. The last dress was a pink sleeveless dress, which I liked a lot. After a lot of thinking, I decided to get the first dress I had tried on, the strapless sea blue one. Stephanie was very happy with my decision.

We decided to head home after buying the dresses. In the car, Steph started making conversation. "You leave on Thursday, right?"

"Yeah, a few days before you."

"Are you excited to be back with the guys?"

"I'm beyond excited. I miss them a lot. I can't wait to see them, especially Keaton."

+ + + + +

At around eight o'clock that night, I was in my room, doing absolutely nothing. I was sitting on my bed in silence, hoping Thursday would come sooner. Suddenly, my phone started ringing, startling me. I picked it up, seeing that it was a FaceTime call from Keaton. I answered the call, and sure enough, Keaton's smiling face appeared.

"Hey, Chlo, I finally got you at a good time. At least, it seems like a good time," he said, laughing a bit at the end.

I chuckled. "This is a great time. How was your show tonight?"

"It was awesome! All the shows have had such great crowds, it's unbelievable. But something kind of funny happened tonight. You know that bracelet I have with my name on it?" I nodded. "Well, some girl stole it off my wrist! I asked her for it back, but when she threw it, it hit me! It hurt!" By the end, he was laughing a lot, as was I.

We settled ourselves about a minute later. "It's eleven there, right?" I asked.

 "Yeah, just after eleven," he replied. "All three of us are so excited for Thursday, you have no idea. We've been talking about it all week." Kaylee and I were flying out to join them on Thursday.

"Kaylee started packing, like, two weeks ago. We can't wait to come. I miss you guys so much. On a different note, how's the tour going so far?"

"It's going awesome. We get to play our original songs and our new ones, which is probably the best part. I'll admit, I'm so used to just playing in front of you and Kaylee, it gets freaky sometimes with hundreds of girls staring at you." There was loud screaming in the background. Keaton turned around. "WES, SHUT UP, I'M FACETIMING!" 

Wes came running over. "OH EM GEE, IT'S CHLOE! NO WAY!" he screamed.

"Wes, shut up, you're so obnoxious," I laughed. We both knew I was joking.

"Oh, trust me, I know," he joked, turning to Keaton. "So this is where you disappeared to."

"Yeah, 'cause you were about to sit on me!" Keaton laughed.

"Well, yeah. I don't blame you for leaving. I would've crushed you. You're so tiny."

"WES, WHERE DID YOU GO?" Drew yelled, in the background.

"I'M TALKING TO CHLOE," he yelled back.

Soon enough, Drew joined Wes and Keaton in the room. "Okay, there needs to be some way to, like, pull someone out of the screen of your phone and they'll magically be there. Thursday couldn't be coming slower," he said.

"I can't wait to see you guys," I said.

"Tell Kaylee to bring her stash of Nerf bullets, and you need to bring your guns. We've been having Nerf gun wars lately, and you guys need to be able to join in," Wes explained.

"I'll text her after this."

There was talking in the background. Wes turned around, listening. He turned back a few minutes later. "We gotta go, but we'll see you soon!" he said. "Drew, say bye and let Keaton and Chloe have a few minutes."

"Bye, Chloe," Drew said, leaving the room with Wes.

"I can't wait to see you. I'll text you tomorrow," Keaton said.

"Alright, I'll text Kaylee. Bye," I said.

+ + + + +


i was super busy with school and finals, and i was in california last week. i'm incredibly sorry. i'll start updating on a regular basis again, i promise.



okay byeee ily and remember to vote and comment!


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