3. Who's Tha Daddy??

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"Claire Martha Davis! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" My mother yelled over the phone when k told her about my recent, lovely development.

"No ma, just a grandchild" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I didn't train you to be this single mother thing, just because other girls are doing it don't mean you should go about picking pregnancy from your boys supermarket" she yelled.


"I didn't plan for this to happen ma, I was inseminated mistakenly" I told her

"What do you mean by Inseminated mistakenly? You mean you don't know who tha daddy is?" If possible, her voice became higher.

"Yes ma, I was a mixup with the room number" I told her.

"So your child got no daddy?" She asked.

For Gods Sake woman!

"Yes ma, my child got no daddy" I confirmed.

"Oh hell naw! You ain't bringing no daddy-less child to my house young lady" she warned.

"And what if the child cute?" I asked her

There was silence on her end.

"Then imma consider, I ain't gon keep no uglee as child that look like darkness in my house as my grand child" she said and I laughed silently

"Only if the child cute!" She said and hung up.

"So how'd it go?" Neh asked me

"How'd you think? She said she doesn't want "no uglee ass child that look like darkness" in her house" I told my wonderful best friend who fell on the floor laughing.

"I love ya mama" she confessed when she was done laughing.

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