\\13// What Are We?

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Dis gonna be short sorry
I wake up snuggled into Brendon.

What are we? Like are we dating? Or not... I'm not really sure. I'll ask him later.

---Time skip to later in the day---



"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you consider us to be? We never really said anything"


Brendon stood up from where he was sitting and crouched down in front of me.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

I laugh and give him a kiss.

"Of course"

----2 or 3 months later----

Everything's been great. I keep forgetting Brendon is a criminal. He's gone on 2 or 3 so say missions I guess? Honestly I don't really care about him being a criminal, if he never kidnapped me, I wouldn't have learned about this side of him. Brendon has been teaching me how to fight, be stealthy, and lately I've been working out gaining muscles. Brendon is pretty impressed with me. It also moved into his room so that's there I guess.

"Hey love?"

"Yeah?" I say looking up from my book

"Wanna go rob a store with me? I think your ready."

Really? I've been wanting to do something like this for a while with him....


Brendon chuckles.

"Let's get ready then"

Brendon and I head to our room. We put on bulletproof vests, black clothes, and sneakers. I put on a black solid lace mask with a couple jewels on that covers around half of my face.

 I put on a black solid lace mask with a couple jewels on that covers around half of my face

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"What's with the mask?"

"Well I gotta hide my identity if I still need to go shopping for food and stuff. Dallon can't do everything for us"

Brendon nods and we each grab a large duffle bag, and arm ourselves with knives and guns. Since it's dark out, shops are closed, and no one is around in town we decide to leave now. We get into a car and drive into an ally next to the store. We sneak to a back door of the store we are robbing and I pick the lock open. Luckily no alarms go off. We sneak into the store and grab everything we want. Jewlery, clothes, food, candy, etc. Brendon and I walk over to the register and I once again pick it open. We grab all the cash, but before we leave since Brendon always leaves the same message whenever he robs with no one around, being, "you've been stuck by a smooth criminal" quoting Micheal Jackson from one of his songs. He finds a permanent marker and writes on a blind shade of a store window.

"What do you want your criminal name to be? I just used my name, but since you go into disguise what do you want yours to be?"

I think for a bit, "I dunno just put The Black Mask"

Brendon quietly laughs, "The Black Mask?"

"Shut up"

You've been struck by 2 smooth criminals
-Brendon Urie & The Black Mask

Brendon and I hit a couple more stores doing the same thing, leaving the same message everytime, and me locking the back door of the store again. After hitting a few stores we head home, get ready for bed, and go to sleep.


I wake up and go to the living room to see Brendon out  the couch turning the TV on. I sit down on the couch nest to Brendon. He switches on another channel. On the screen flashes a picture of Brendon, and a question mark, along with a picture of one of the message he left.

"Looks babe your on TV just like me!" Brendon laughs

"It's appears that Brendon Urie has struck again, but this time a new person has joined him. This time he has wrote a message from both him and a new criminal that goes by the name of The Black Mask... officials
officials say that..."

"So I'm famous now haha"

Brendon turns the TV off and we go about our day.

"Looks like now you have a partner in crime" I say smiling at Brendon

"Looks like I do" He says smiling back kissing me.


So that's the end of this book, but don't worry I've got other ideas for books and this is not the end of The Black Mask { (Y/N) } and Brendon Urie! I hope you enjoyed the first book!

Don't worry just because it's the end of the book doesn't mean I'm not gonna put what I usually do at the end! <3

Have a lovely day/night/morning/afternoon/whatever time it is for you. I love you all so much. Stay alive my wonderful vros. I'll talk to you in the next book! As always...





Bye vros!!!

Kidnapped (Brendon Urie x Reader) FEMALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now