chapter 1

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Okay I'm a little bit nervous since it's my first time posting one of my fanfics but this story means a lot to me, i consider it the cutest so far. Also I'd really appreciate if you comment your thoughts on every chapter.  Don't forget to vote and share. 🥰
Anyway i hope you like it, enjoy! :)

Ellie's POV
I tossed around in the huge king size bed under the warm sheets, my eyes still closed not wanting to get out of bed. My head was spinning from intense pain after last night's hungover... this will teach me to accompany olivia to the club again in the future.

I groaned once i heared my phone ringing beside me. I opened my eyes instantly blinded by the morning sunlights entering the room through the large window.

I blinked a few times adjusting to the morning light before reaching for my phone which stopped ringing. I read a few missed calls from my parents and olivia. I shaked my head deciding to call them later after i take a nice hot shower.

I let out a heavy breath as i sat up rubbing my eyes as i scanned my hotel room. I swung my legs over the bed to get up when i suddenly realised i was half naked in only my underwear. I gasped looking around me in freight... this isn't my room!

I quickly slid back under the sheets covering myself again. How come i haven't noticed? last night i was sleeping in a tiny room containing two single white scratchy beds with a small bathroom. This one was super large, a king size grey bed, a 20 inch tv, i could never afford this luxurious room.

I started panicking as i searched for my clothes but there were nowhere in sight. Where were they? Where was i? Who's room is this? Did i sleep with a boy last night here? Oh my god...

I racked my brain trying to find answers but got nothing. So i leaned back on the headboard trying to find a solution to escape from this mess before the owner arrive, but the problem is i can't walk down the hall only in my underwear. I sighed deafeated as last nights events flashed back in my head...

"So what do you think? Isn't it pretty sexy?" Olivia squealed eyeing me from head to toes in the long bathroom mirror .

"I don't know... isn't it a bit too short?" I asked tugging down a bit at the tiny red dress that layed mid thigh.

"No it's not" she shaked her head before pushing my breats up slightly revealing more cleavage "now it is" she laughed gently tapping me on the butt making me roll my eyes in frustration.

"Do we have to go to the club?" I whined reentering the bedroom sitting on my bed as she followed behind.

"I didn't bring you all the way from London to spain for us to stay in the room all night" she scowled glaring at me.

"You know that I'm not into partying in club much, so please can't you just go alone" i pleaded hoping she'll agree without argument.

I was never the girl into party, boys or fashion like normal teenage girls. I was more of a nerd kind who stuffed her nose into books all year, technically i was obliged because if i failed in any subject my parents will force me to go back to England.

But my bestfriend Olivia was totally the opposite, all she cares about is partying, having fun and drinking wildely flirting with boys. I still don't understand how we're still hanging to this rollercoaster friendship.

After graduating high school a few months ago and prepared our apartment in LA, she secretly baught both of us a ticket to spain to celebrate for a few days before we moved all the way ro America for good.

She begged me for hours until i gave in mostly because if i refused she would have cracked my brain with her constant whining and snarky attitude all summer.

Little did i know that the reason why she braught me here is to attend a concert of a singer she's crazy about him, shawn mendes. She didn't tell me until we landed here knowing that if i knew before i wouldn't have accepted under any circumstances so i was stuck here for the next week.

"I made myself a promise, that I'm determinated to make you have fun and loosened up a bit during this trip. I realise it's almost mission impossible but I'm not backing away"

She crossed her arms over her chest glaring at me. I threw my hands in the air in resignation cause i knew this argument was leading me nowhere. So i stood up grabbing my purse as we walked out slamming the door behind us.

We took the elevator to the twelfth floor where the club is located. As soon as the doors open she grabbed my arm dragging me inside.

We were met with the loud music blasting in the dark huge lounge which was lit with a few colorful lights. People already drunk dancing madly on the dance floor. We pushed our way in the crowd until we arrived at the table we have reserved previously.

The vibes in this club gave me a terrible headache, all i wanted to do was get back into the room and curl up under the sheets watching harry potter movies quietly.

"Come on Ellie have a drink" olivia pushed a glass of tequila into my face but i pushed her hand away in disgust.

"No thanks i don't drink" i replied dryly as she stared at me furious.

"Ellie stains i swear if you don't get loose tonight, i won't speak to you ever again and you'll consider me a stranger for the rest of the trip" she threatened sending me a warning look even though I knew she would never do this.

I looked around me sighing. She was right i mean I'm always so tense and isolated from the society, what's the harm in enjoying my night for once?

I smiled taking the glass from her hand as i immedietly gulped the whole drink. I back away in disgust at its bitter awful taste making her laugh at my reaction.

"You'll get used to it" she rassured me sending me a wink before dragging me onto the dance.

Soon i was left dancing on my own. Olivia threw herself in some guy's arms. I didn't mind as i carelessly swallowed one drink after another. I could sense the alcohol spreading through my body, my heated skin tingling as i swayed my hips to the music...

I couldn't remember what happened next!

My thoughts were cut shortly after when i heard the door handle twisting on my right. I panicked my heartbeat racing as i grabbed a hanful of the sheets closer to my chest.

"Oh good morning, you're finally awake" a tall guy entered a smile plastered on his face.

"Who are you?" My voice trembling as i kept a strong grip the sheets covering my body but i assumed he already got sight of it last night.

"I'm shawn"

'Til next year ||Shawn Mendes||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora