L hasn't showered in 300 years.

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Nate decides to ask the taskforce directly whether they are monitoring the meetings between Light and Takada.

He asks Aizawa (my BFF) and he actually gives us a helpful answer.

"I see, 'you only have wiretaps at this point.' Thank you," Nate says before ending the call.


That's nice.

I pick up Lewis to feed him because he keeps staring at me with this blank expression that makes me feel uneasy.

"Hello..." I say to my child as he yanks my beautiful hair.


Once Luka got his hands on the key and I had to almost had to scrEam for L to help me because he was so strong and wanted to eat it.

Damian would not have been happy if a baby ate the magic key.


"If it's only a wire, we can assume that L-Kira and X-Kira are getting in contact through Takada... This only makes things even more dangerous for Lidner." Rester seems worried. "All of Takada's bodyguards have their cell phone records checked. We can't directly contact Lidner, but is that ok?"

Nate is decorating a Christmas tree.

Because Christmas is in four days.


I actually forgot.


Our babies will be a month old on Christmas day.

That makes me feel very emotional.

They have grown quite a lot, but are still very small.

I think that their hair has gotten much longer.

And now their eyes are almost always open.

Apparently, one-month-old babies need like 14 hours of sleep a day.

These babies get about 10.

Oh well.

It's not my fault.

All three of them REFUSE to sleep when I try to get them to.

It sometimes works when L tries, but I think they prefer Nate because he is quite cuddly and easy for them to see.

Because babies can only see in black and white while they are little.

(No, every other colour isn't just INVISIBLE.)

But parenting is easier when there's another person who never gets tired.

L could stay up all night looking after them.

Unless they are hungry.

Maybe we'll bottle feed them more soon... I'm not really sure.

"But the important thing is to pretend that Lidner is still trying to find out about X-Kira... so that L's attention will be on Lidner and Takada." Nate puts the little figures on the tree.

Levi is trying to eat the branches.


"Someone, stop that child."

Rester picks Levi up gently and hands him to L.

"Thanks," L mutters.

Gevanni calls us.

Before Rester can ask him anything, Gevanni speaks in a rushing torrent, "Mikami just pulled out the notebook. He's writing in it... could it be?"

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