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eunseo pov

doyoung,taeyong and johnny graduated yesterday. we celebrated with his mom and sister yesterday and now we're celebrating with haechan,jaehyun, and yuta.

"are you guys finally going to work??" haechan asked.

"ofcourse. i have to." doyoung said.

"don't rush yourself." i said.

"but i kinda need to..." he said.

"why?" i asked him and the others seemed curious as well.

"i'll tell you later." he told me.

"come on!tell us too!" yuta said.

"yeah i thought we were friends man!" jaehyun said and everyone chided in.

"fine!" doyoung yelled for them to stop. "once i say it you guys are gonna regret not letting me get this out privately." he said then faced me.

"eunseo..." he faced and grabbed my hand. "let's move in together." doyoung said then everyone's jaws dropped including mine.

everyone was quiet,still shocked and was waiting for my answer.

"ofcourse." i said then smiled at him. if he didn't ask i might've been the one to ask him first. i can't imagine being with anyone else but him.

everyone cheered and doyoung clutched his chest. "thank god,i've been nervous since this morning." he exclaimed.

"they're gonna make lots of babies i know it." haechan said.

"eyyy doyoung isn't like that." taeyong said.

"yah!don't make babies yet i can't afford gifts yet as his/her godfather." yuta said.

"i'm gonna be his/her godfather not you." jaehyun said.

doyoung and i ignored everyone and just looked fondly at each other. i'm going to be living with the love of my life,it can't get any better than that.

"i love you." he mouthed and i nodded and whispered "i love you more." in his ear.


"so when can i move in?" doyoung asked while we're walking.

"we're moving into mine?" i asked. he nodded. "yeah,i don't want you to move,besides it'll be harder to move your studio." he said.

"thank you for considering that." i said then held his hand tighter. "i really like your hand." i  said.

"my hand likes you too."

"move in tomorrow." i said.

"that quick?" he asked. "are you okay with that?"

"yes,i can't wait to live with you." i said.

"me too." he said.


i'll be publishing an epilogue after a while but this is the end of pen & paper. thank you for the reads and votes!i'll be starting bet pt. 2 now!please read that as well as you again.

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