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doyoung pov

"you what?" jaehyun said to haechan.

"i confessed." haechan said.

called it.

"so is she your girlfriend?wow you got yourself a noona?"

"ani." haechan said then grinned.

"then what the fuck are you so happy for?" jaehyun said.

"he's always been weird." jeno said.

i was just scrolling through my phone pretending that i only half care about this.

"she said i might've confused my feelings with something else since i've never been this close to a girl before." haechan said.

she's pretty sensible. i smiled to myself.

"so you're okay about it?" jaemin asked.

"well,yeah. if it means she'll always be my noona then i'd rather take that."

lucky you haechan. i wish i was close to her too.

"then i guess i'm free to make a move then?" yuta teased haechan.

not you too.

haechan flicked yuta's forehead.

"don't play with my noona's heart." haechan said.

"ow!ofcourse i won't jeez, you know i treat her like a sister too." yuta said while rubbing his forehead.

i'm relieved for some reason. idk why i'm internally making a big deal out of this it's not like a plan on making a move on her. i don't want anyone, i don't want a girlfriend.

eunseo pov

"we'll see about that." i smirked.

"i'm serious!i don't like jaehyun i just think he's handsome. you know i'm not the type to just flirt with someone just cause they're good looking." yumi defended.

"okay fine i believe you." i said. "maybe when you get to be closer to him you'll start to develop feelings."

"i don't know" yumi shrugged. "enough about jaehyun, is donghyuck okay tho?"

"yeah we're still bffffs" i said.

"that's a lot of f's" yumi said.

"yeah. fuck you." i said.

"cute." she said then faked a laugh

my phone vibrated from my ass. i need to remember not to put my phone in my back pocket.

yuta: i sent you something

me: i don't give a fuck :)

me: kidding,i'll check.

yuta: it reminded me of you.

me: loading

i opened the attachment he sent it was a scary gif.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" i yelled cause i was so startled. i apparently yeeted my phone. i hate myself.

i saw haechan and yuta laughing from the other side of the studio. apparently doyoung is there looking at me. he looks like he's about to laugh. yumi started laughing as well.

i walked over to where i threw my phone. that expensive phone case was an investment after all since my screen didn't crack like how i'm about to crack yuta's skull.

two can play that game. i faked crying which made yumi stop laughing then she ran towards me, i winked at her then she went along.

yuta and haechan ran to where i was.

"mianhe, eunseo!!" yuta yelled when he reached me.

"the fuck hyung look what you did!" haechan yelled at yuta.

"bitch it was your idea!!" yuta yelled back.

hehehe these dumbasses.

"i'm sorry i'll do whatever you want" yuta pleaded while clasping his hands.

"your starbucks card." i said while faking tears.

"huh?" he said.

"hey my screen cracked that's the least you can do" it didn't. "my precious phone!" i fake cried even more. i know for a fact that his starbucks card is loaded since he's always bragging about it.

"fine" he handed it to me. i tugged at it but he wouldn't let go at first. once i was able to take the card i immediately stopped crying then made a kissy face at yuta.

"gumowo" i said in a cute voice.

yumi started clapping then mark clapped as well. i love my friends.

"eunseo i'm such a big fan!" mark yelled while pretending to fanboy.

i pretended to be a famous actress being followed by the paparazzi while yumi pretended to be my security person covering my face.

"no pictures!no pictures!" yumi yelled as we were heading out.

"yah!where are you going?" yuta yelled at us while we were half out the door.

"to starbucks" then i stuck my tongue out before running out cause he was already charging at us.

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