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In the distant intergalactic space, the Milano trail-blazed towards the outskirts of the bright bluish-white clouds of the Milky Way. Peter Quill and his team were discussing further about their next quest. The small raccoon being held a small piece of paper which it showed a description of a famous Casino on planet Gamblix. A plant being turned around as he curiously read the brochure. Mantis, Quill, and Gamora were nodding their heads to an upbeat revival of a Jackson 5 song performed by a certain K-Pop girl idol group.

" I am Groot? " he raised his voice.

" It's a famous casino, Groot! " Rocket grinned and stretched his arms. " Boy, I'm gonna take more fortune to buy new big guns! "

" Did you say, fortune? " the bald muscular man with red markings on his skin intently smirked. His reaction was like someone who heard a sound of cash register. His smiled reached from ear to ear.

" Wanna play a bet, Drax? "

" Yeah! I'm gonna do something special, " Drax replied. " Like giving the money for the Kree Orphans. "

" Lame..."

" Come on, this isn't lame! "

" Guys, guys, do we have to go to Gamblix? " the red-headed man in a leather jacket asked and drove the ship. " Seriously, I don't wanna go there..."



Quill gave them a death stare and felt annoyed at his two friends demanding him to visit the gambling planet. He was very uneasy which he never wanted to go there. He remembered Yondu's warnings about visiting Gamblix for pleasure, since a mischievous and greedy man had his ways to keep his money. Infact, the old blue Centaurian Ravager was indeed right in telling the young Starlord. This time, he wanted to tell the same warning before any mishaps would happen.

" Guys...." the red-head cleared his throat and thought of something before he could speak. " I think this is a bad idea to..."

" Look, Quill. We need to get money for my new ammos! " Rocket raised his hands interjection. " Besides, this is the only way to get money! "

" No way! We're gonna give it to the orphans! " Drax added.

" I didn't say..."

" Shut up, Rocket! "

" Oh yeah, Big Boy! Wanna piece of me? "

" DRAX, ROCKET! " the green-skinned lady called their names. " Just shut up, we're going to Gamblix! "

The two behaved as Quill heavily sighed. The leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy never wanted such senseless arguments from his teammates. Mantis and Gamora exchanged glances. Groot face-palmed into his dismay. Moments later, they landed on the surface of an Earth-like planet. This place was like Las Vegas from outer space. There were holograms, neon lights, and some buildings. The streets were filled with tourists of different races and some mechanical beings. The other three decided to stay inside the spacecraft which Quill and the other feuding two walked around.

Finally, the three headed into the famous casino which it was shown in the brochure earlier. Drax and Rocket both widened their eyes and felt bewildered like some little children going into the candy store. Quill crossed his arms and remained emotionless when he followed his companions. They entered and walked on the casino's red carpet. A crowd of strange beings surrounded the establishment. Some of them were enjoying the slot machines, the poker table, and others spent drinking at the bar. A loud alien techno music was heard.

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