39 - Anyone

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Tony landed near where the remaining Avengers were standing. A few people were stairing at them, but they tried to ignore it.

The first thing he heard was Natasha yelling, "TONY, WHERE WERE YOU?!"

"That's complicated."


Tony looked up. "Who called Sheild?"

"Sheild? Where was Sheild? Was Fury there?" It was Steve who had spoken.

"No. Coulson was there. He-" Tony looked angry for a moment, then sighed. "Look, he-"

"Stark, where is my brother?"

Tony looked at Thor, and sighed again. "I was getting to that. Coulson shot Loki. Loki's dead."

The team was silent for a while. Tony looked down and wiped his face with his arm, the aluminium cold against his skin. He then hiccuped once and both Natasha and Clint looked at him funny.

Thor, after a bit, shook his head and with a Shakey voice said, "no he's not."

Tony looked at Thor and asked, "how- did you see him alive?"

"No. Stark-"

"I saw him. I saw his body, is saw him die in front of me- Thor he's dead. I'm sorry. As much as I want that to be a lie."

"So did I. This happened before, twice. Last time, he got stabbed by a dark elf. He died next to me. Loki isn't dead, I know it."

"Where would he be then?"

"I don't know. I trusted my brother this time. I guess I shouldn't have."

"You mean-"

"The first time Loki 'died', he joined Thanos and destroyed New York."

"BUT IT WASN'T HIM!" Tony yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone around him, even cavilians, staired at him. "Thor, don't you remember? He said he was under the spell of the septor! And you believed him! This wasn't Loki's fault!" Tony's eyes were watering at this point.

Thor blankly staired at Tony for a minute. He then spun Mjolnir and flew out of the city. A few gasps were heard around then as Thor flew away.

"The hell. I tell him about his bro's death and he just flat-out leaves. THANKS THOR THAT REALLY HELPED." Tony yelled angely. "The fuck do we do now?"

Tony heard a car door slam behind him and someone saying, "Tony Stark, I'm sorry to interrupt whatever meeting I going on here, but I have some questions for you."

Agent Coulson.


"Stark..." Loki tried to say something, anything,  though it was hard to through his tears. An had he been able to talk, he wouldn't have known what to say.

Tony put his head beside Loki's and whispered, "I love you, Loki."

Then, in the blink of an eye, Tony disappeared. Loki fell to the surface of the water, sobbing. He started breathing heavily, holding his breath for a second and releasing it over and over again. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how he should have felt in that moment.

He started hitting the surface of the water with his fists, trying trying as hard as he could to get out of the place he was in. Loki yelled as he did, his voice getting oddly high pitched, yelling, "HELP, SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE, HELP!" The surface reacted as if it were steel; not being effected by Loki's weak thrusts against it.

Loki then just, stopped. He dropped himself into a laying position on the water'a surface. He just weakly cried, whispering, "please,, Anyone..."

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