37 - Hel

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He was laying on some sort of smooth, cold bolder. The sounds of water softly brushing against the rocks and Ravens cawing above him was what woke him up.

Loki blinked, trying to regain any memory of how he got there. He had just then realized there was a Raven standing on his chest. He shoved it away and sat up.

Loki looked around. He was sitting on a large pile of rocks, the largest and smoothest one being the one her was actually laying on, below them was water (or at least that's what he thought it was) as far as the eye could see. And even that wasn't much, as there was a thick layer of fog around him.

He had no idea how he had got there. The only thing he could remember was the sound of a gunshot and, pain. Lots of it.

He touched his chest, where he remembered being shot at. There was a hole in his top, but no wound.

He looked up. There was a dark figure walking towards him from far away, barely visible because the fog was so thick.


Tony layed on the floor, shaking, a bottle of vodka in his hand. Sure, the Avengers tower had been blown to peices, but he couldn't think of anywhere else to go. And he owned the place, so he thought he could do whatever he wanted in it.
His eyes were red, from crying, and the bottle he was drinking from was already half-empty.
It had been 4 hours since the news of Loki's death. But Tony felt as if it happened a minute ago.
He sofly hiccuped, the words "there was nothing we could do" ringing through his head.


Loki stood up and climbed down to the edge of the rocks. He squinted, trying to make out who the figure in the distance was. They walked closer, and Loki saw they were holding a large hammer.
As they walked closer, colors started to be prominent in them. They had long, gold-blonde hair and a large red cape.
Loki immediately recognized who it was. He touched his foot to the water, and it almost felt solid under him.
He walked foward, tripping then catching himself. He was walking on the water, yet he could see the water moving below him. It felt like he was walking in a thin puddle that only reached the souls of his shoes.
Loki started  running towards the figure, who also started running towards him.
When they reached each other, they immediately joined each other in a tight hug. Loki started sobbing into their shoulder.

It was Thor, Loki knew him better than anyone.
Thor was silent for a little bit, just hugging Loki.

Loki was the first to say anything.
"B-brother? Do you have any idea where we are?"

Thor hesitated for a second.
"Hel. You're in Hel."

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