Chapter 20- Time

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"Gold! Where are you?" I screamed, running into the store. Rumplestiltskin stood with his dagger, rubbing the metal with a blue cloth. He looked almost nervous, but glared at me.

"Can't you read, dearie? The shop is closed," he spat.

"We need your help," I stated, giving him the book. He set the dagger down, and flipped through the pages. His eyes widened.

"Another time portal?" He questioned

"That's what it looks like," hook remarked from behind us.

"I'll work on something here, I suggest you lot get to that barn before Regina, well, you know what."

The large party was already milling on the street. Ruby smiled at me, and I nodded as she removed her cape and transformed, barreling down the path. We ran through the frozen woods, our breath hanging like clouds in the frigid air. My lungs were burning by the time we reached the barn. They were shouts coming from inside, and flashes of blue light. It felt like an ice storm. Hook grabbed my hand as we ran in, and saw Regina shaking on the ground, holding a limp robinhood. Ice crystals ran down her cheeks. I heard a thump behind me, and and icy grip lifted me into the air.

"So, here's the savior. All high and mighty, literally. Savor that moment darling, it's the last one you'll ever know." Whispered the malicious voice

I flew through the air, and the last thing I saw was black.


I watched through blurry eyes as Emma, my one and only true love, flew through the air and crashed into the side of the building. Her eyes closed, she didn't even make a sound as she dropped like dead weight onto the dust below. My chest ached as I saw her lie there, and I tried to move. Every part of me burned, but I continued crawling.

I heard David behind me, fighting and the snarling of Red, but I didn't really hear them. I was only set on getting to Emma, my love. She hadn't moved, even twitched. This couldn't be happening.

"Emma," I whispered hoarsely, reaching for her hand.

There was no response, no sign of recognition.

"Emma," I cried, looking for an answer, looking for life in the one who seemed always so full of it. Now she just looked empty, like a shell.

"Please, Emma, please answer me. I love you Emma, please. Don't go, I need you, I love you," I cried, trying not to break down. There was no answer. My chest was hollow, something inside broken. I turned my head, and saw the witch. The one who had hurt my Emma, my swan.

I got up, kissing Emma once on her bloodied forehead, before running at the queen. I slammed into her, knocking her over.

In an instant, a sword was at her throat. The blue necklace lying against her Chest was glowing, and deep Crimson roots began to appear, bleeding into the icy surface. I ripped it off her neck, and tore it. I tossed it in front of me. A familiar glow began to circle the floor, and I herded everyone out of the way. The circle glowed brighter, and I ran to the hay. I lifted Emma tenderly, though all parts of her seemed bent and broken. I carried her gently out of the barn, and handed her off to the dwarves.

"C'mon mate!" I yelled to David, gesturing to our group. Regina was trying to grab robin and pull him out of the barn.

"Please robin, please! I can't lose you!" She cried. I understood her panic, and I ran back in to help her.

"I can't, hook. She'll escape." He called sadly.

"Then I'll go," said a voice behind us.

Marion stood, hand in hand with Roland. She kneeled down, face to face with the little boy.

"I'm sorry hunny, I'll miss you so much, but Regina is your mommy now. I love you roland. I love you. I'll always love you baby, I'll always be right here, she whispered, pointing to the toddlers heart. She stepped into the barn, and took the sword from David, who thanked her and joined the party.

Tears poured down her cheeks as she slowly disappeared, back in time, to arendelle.

"We need to get back now, and to take Emma into intensive care."

It seemed just now to dawn on David what had happened to Emma, and his eyes widened with tears.

"Emma," he whispered. We lifted her body carefully, and hurried back to town.


I held robins hand. His cold, dark eyes stared up at me, not registering.

"Oh robin, I'm so sorry," I whispered, kissing him.

A flash of light burst from his chest, and I watched with wonder as his frozen heart began to thaw.

"M'lady," he whispered, reaching up to touch my face. I turned away, sighing

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Marion," I murmered.

He frowned, and then his eyes widened.

"She sacrificed herself to go through the portal, and save us," I stated," your wife is a true hero, I'm sorry she had to go."

"Maybe it's for the best," whispered Robin.

I stared at him, confused.

"She wasn't the only hero. Listen to me Regina, this past month has been nothing but crazy. Even when her and I were together, I was thinking of you. My heart was frozen even before that queen. It was frozen to you, because I felt like I needed to love someone, when really, I've only loved you. A long time ago, I loved Marion. But now, my love for you is so much stronger. I am so sorry Regina, I love you and I should never have left you. Can you ever forgive me?"

I turned, smiling, and kissed him.

I cried at the Emma/hook part. I'm a weenie. Only two more chapters and ONE MORE WEEK OMG YOU GUYS AND I HAVE 2.06k READS HOLLA OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I HOPE YOU ENJOYED. This was really long and I almost stopped so yeah props!! I'll be starting my new story soon, and I might have a fanfic up my sleeve 😏😏 okay ily!! Thanks for reading

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