Chapter 8- The Book of Legend

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Emma and grace were laughing about Jefferson when we pulled up at my moms office, so I hopped out and left them talking.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Asked my mom, who was surrounded by small, neat stacks of paper.

"I actually need to ask you something" I said, waking over to a white leather chair. I plopped down. She nodded at the fire place, and a warm glow lit up the hearth.

"What's up Henry? How can I help you?" She smiled at me.

I explained all of the events that had happened since this morning. My mom leaned back in her chair, then stood shook her head.

"I'm sorry Henry, I've heard of these books, but I don't have any. You should check the library, and ask belle. She seems to know almost every book in her library. Sorry I couldn't help, but it's probably better that I don't get involved in any magic activities."

I hugged her goodbye, and got back in the car. My mom drove us down to the library, but she had to pick killian up at the station, so she promised to pick us up later. It was already close to two, so there was no use going to school. Belle was taking some books out of a box, and placing them in the "history" section. When she saw us, she ran over and hugged grace and I. Man, people in this town are sure big on hugging.

"How can I help you guys?"belle asked. She always loved to help people, it made her feel important, and even though she already was, everyone loved her even more for it. She always wanted to help and be a hero, so we knew we had to ask her.

I told her the story that I had told what seemed to be everyone already.

"I haven't seen any magical books, but I can check for you," she said, and hurried off. Grace went over to check the fantasy section, and I headed over to the non-fiction.

Twenty minutes later, no one had found anything and I was heading past the elevator when I felt a strange pull towards the stairs. They led up to the clock, and I decided to follow whatever instinct this was. I ascended all four flights until I got to the top, and caught my breath. I looked around for a moment, when a glow from a panel caught my attention. I opened the small metal door, and inside was a book covered in lands and elements and movement. There were stories unfolding on the cover, and the title read "myths and legends." As beautiful as the neverland book was, this was more amazing. I couldn't wait until we found the last book.

I ran down the stairs, my heart pounding. When I showed belle and grace, they could hardly let it go. It was an enchanting book, and I could hardly take it all in. A car honked from outside, and Emma walked in the doors. We spent about an hour talking and pouring over the book, when killian burst through the doors and broke things up. After such a busy day, we headed home. Grace wasn't in trouble for skipping, and so we agreed to meet on the weekend and look for the last book. I was exhausted, and plopped down asleep at my desk after studying the books pages. I woke up with a crinkle on my cheek, and a burn on my hand from the fire. Day two of searching had begun

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