Chapter 16- Visits

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I felt Emma tense, and I pulled her closer. When Regina had said her name I saw the fear in everyone's eyes.

"What does she want with me?"she stuttered, as if she couldn't believe her own words.

"She didn't specify, but I think it has to do with your magic,"Regina stated

"We should go ask Robin,"said Emma

As much as I loved her, she could be crazy.

"He's in a coma, remember love?" I whispered.

"Maybe we can wake him with true love, or Gold or something,"she rambled, looking for a solution.

"Regina, charming, hook, and Emma, you guys go to the hospital and bring Gold, see if he can help you. I'll stay here and watch Henry and the baby," Snow said as she turned to a crying Neal.

Regina tensed at the sound of Robin's name, but stood anyways. I reached for my hook, but stopped, and looked at Em. She nodded, and I locked it into place. I grabbed her coat and she slipped it on, before we herded out the door.

As soon as we entered the hospital, an icy blast hit us. Regina sparked a flame and tossed it at the source, which turned out to be only a drift of snow, left blowing around the room. Our assorted group spread out over the hospital, Em, gold, belle and I covering the intensive care unit. Even in the coldest weather, Emma looked adorable, her cheeks all red and her curls frozen on the ends. I was almost tempted to kiss her, but then rembered that we were in the middle of a mission.

We pushed the door to intensive care open carefully, and there sat the snow queen herself, a blank faced Elsa behind her. Robin sat up, and rubbed his forehead. I reached out to grab him when I noticed his eyes. They were bright blue, and the pupils were huge. He saw Emma, and lunged for her throat. Gold sent a burst of something at his hand, and he squealed, scurrying back.

"What the hell was that?" I yelled, backing up.

"He's under a trance, The Snow Queen is controlling him. He doesn't recognize us as friends," belle responded

Regina's group inched forward, their backs turned to the room. I saw Regina's face fall when she saw Robin. An icy blast blew her against the wall, and her head crashed into a drawer, leaving her unconscious. Red started to stain the snow. A large ice crystal hung ominously from the ceiling, above a distracted Rumplestiltskin. I saw the Icy Bitches gaze rest on Emma, and she narrowed her eyes. I stepped protectively in front of my girlfriend. No one was gonna hurt Emma on my watch.


I saw hook step in front of me, and took the oppourtunity to head towards Regina. I heard a crash behind me, and a scream, and the snow queen laughed.

When the dust cleared, belle was lying on the ground, her side torn and bleeding.

"This isn't the last you'll see of me, or feel. The next time, it's just me and Regina, tomorrow night at the cafe. Anyone else shows up and I kill them. All of them," he snow queen cackled, before disappearing.

Belle was barely breathing, and rumple was leaning over her body, whispering something.

"Help me lift her up!" He yelled, and charming and killian lifted her up and set Belle gently on the bed. Rumplestiltskin rubbed his hands together and ran one over belle's cut. The skin glowed, moving together until all that was left was a scratch. She took a deep breath, and kissed her husband.

"Stay here for now belle, we have to help Regina. As if on cue, Regina groaned from the other side of the room. I ran to her side, and she winced.

"How bad is it?"she murmered.

"Not too bad, Gold can help you."

Hook came over and set his hand on my shoulder.

"You'll be better in no time."

I smiled up at him, and he leaned down and kissed me.

"Can we focus on helping me, and not making out for a moment," smirked Regina

"Gold! Regina needs help."

Rumplestiltskin sauntered over and put a hand on Regina's skull. She rolled over and stood up, before smiling.

"Okay, lovebirds, you two can resume."

I laughed, before grabbing hooks hand and leading him out the door. His bravery had earned him a little more than just a kiss

Wink wink! So the story is picking up, but I still have way more planned so don't leave me hanging yet! Sorry if it's a while between updates I try to keep it at a good time, thank you for all of the reads, we are so close to 1000! Thank you so much! Feel free to check out my new story, titled anything, and don't forget to comment and vote, I love hearing from you guys! ALSO COLIN DID THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE SO CHECK THAT OUT ON HIS INSTAGRAM 😍😍 and I'll talk to y'all soon

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