Chapter 7- The Books of Five

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This chapter will mostly be Henry's flashback about the books of five, included in the past chapter. Just to answer some questions and fill up a bit of the plot.


I woke up at my moms house. I ran down the spiralling stairs and into the kitchen. My mom was packing my lunch for the last week of school, cucumber slices and hummus on oat bread, which might sound gross but it's delicious.

"Morning honey, I washed your uniform and hung it up in the laundry room, your backpack is on the front bench. You can bring your lunch pail over. Do you want a ride or are you taking the bus?" She asked. Regina was always trying to help me out, she's a great mom, and she's really trying to do everything for me and be a better person.

"Can we walk to the bus stop? I'm early, and all I have to do is get changed into uniform then we're good. Oh, and grab my phone."

I jogged into the laundry room, where I noticed the window was open. Weird, I thought to myself, but I shrugged it off and grabbed my clothes. Once I was changed, mom grabbed her briefcase and we headed out the door, locking it behind us. She pulled me in, and we talked. We laughed and joked pretty much the entire way to the bus stop. Once we got there, she kissed me on he cheek and waved goodbye until we turned the corner. I sat down beside Jeffersons daughter grace, who smiled and kissed me on the cheek. So maybe I like her, but whatever ;). I opened my bag to make sure I had grabbed my lunch, when I saw the note. It was written on the same paper as the book, so I was instantly interested. I unlocked grace and mine's hands, and unfolded the paper.

The books of five are for the offspring of the saviour. The answers you seek and the stories you need are left for you. Your quest is to find the remaining four books of five, through the heroes likely and not. The child of the saviour and pure, the blood love of the wicked will be the one to find these books and break the spells.

"Henry," grace asked,"what's wrong?"
"Read this," I whispered. I was still shaking when she took the paper from my hands. I heard her take a deep breath, and a smile fell across her face.

"Oh Henry, it's an adventure," she exclaimed. Kids turned and looked at us. She blushed, and whispered,"sorry."

"It's alright, and I know! But I don't understand what it's talking about! The books of five? The four remaining? I'm so confused."

"You should ask rumplestiltskin, or your moms. They'll probably know what it's talking about," grace said as the bus pulled up. I knew I should ask Grandma about it, so I decided to skip a day of school and get some answers. It was the last week, and we weren't really doing anything other than practicing for graduation and watching the fairy fireworks. Nothing I couldn't miss.

"Grace, I'm gonna skip and get some answers, you wanna come?" I asked her. She smiled and answered yes. We stepped off the bus, and then ran off, past the front doors. She grabbed my hand and we ran to stiltskins' shop.

We ran right in front of a yellow buggy, and Emma honked at us. She followed us down the road, and then picked us up at Game of Thorns.

"And why are you two playing hookey?" Emma asked. Hook, who was sitting in the passenger seat, just winked at me, but when emma glared at him, faked serious.

"Well, I found a note in my bag, from, well, magic I guess, and when I read it I needed answers. So I asked grace if she wanted tic come with and here we are."

"And where's this mysterious magic note?" Emma asked. She sounded disbelieving. I handed her the glowing piece of paper, and she read it. When she finished, she turned to hook, handed him the paper, and then to us.

"Where are we stopping first," she asked with a smile. I smiled back and said, "Golds shop."

When we showed up at rumplestiltskin's shop, he grinned, but when hook stepped in, gestured to the table. Hook detached his weapon and set it on the table. I explained what happened to him, and I saw his face change. His eyes were gleaming, and his smile was almost bursting from his face.

"Well, it seems the time has come to help you with what I have known was coming since your mother was conceived. Come with me Henry. Just Henry," he remarked as soon as everyone else moved. Grace's face fell, and he sighed.
"He is the only one in the prophecy, it's his duty. You will all know soon enough. Please be patient and help yourself to anything in the fridge. Just the fridge, might I add," he rambled, gesturing to Killian. Hook rolled his eyes, and walked over to Emma. Grace set about exploring the store, and I walked through the curtain into a small back room. Gold sat down at a small round table, and I plopped into a chair across from him.

"Henry, I will now explain to you some things that will help you on this short quest.
First, the books of five, although there are only four known for now, are books quite like your storybook. They are the stories of other lands, such as the land of Frankenstein, Neverland, and others. I have one of these books in my shop. They are written as yours was, through the history of The Enchanted Forest, and events. All are powerful magic, and all are dangerous. This quest was made for you, and you alone. No one will be able to find the books such as you, they will appear to you as you find your way in this journey. The book I have is on neverland, it is the first of three you will need to find. The other two are in he town, in important places. Search carefully, and tell no one unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Okay. So I need to find these books, and I only have two more to find. That's not too hard. Can I have the first one?"

Rumple laughed, and a shape began to materialize out of what looked liked plants. The cover was thin, thin wood and there were gold and green leaves and stems littered about the cover. It was, by far, the most beautiful book I have ever seen.

"You now have one, go out and find the others," gold laughed, and I waved goodbye before leaving with everyone from the store


Okay so there are gonna have to be two more Henry chapters because this is gonna be way too long I hope that's okay but this is important sooo bear with me here please. And omg I love you guys please keep commenting I love seeing what people have to say and hearing stuff and like and enjoy and I'll see you later 💗

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