Chapter 6- History Lessons and Worry

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I could see how worried Emma was the instant I walked in the door. She had three new cups of cocoa set out on the table, and a whole plate of Pilsbury cinnamon cookies set out. Cinnamon was her stress food, and I could tell she was freaking out inside. I was too, but she had Henry to worry about, and I had them both to protect.

"So what exactly happened today?" Emma asked with a worried voice.

I recounted to her what happened after I left granny's, and what rumplestiltskin had said. Henry was listening the entire way through, taking small bites of a cookie, but the Moment I was finished, the lad hurried up the stairs.

"Is the lad alright, and how are you, love?" I asked. I was worried that Emma would freak out. She had just made friends with Regina again, and Snow was taking care of another baby, and Emma was just feeling very pressured, I didn't ever want her to be sad.

"I'm fine, just really worried that everyone is going to be mad and that whoever this snow queen is will destroy everything and that."

She was cut off mid-sentence by Henry, who dropped a leather book that looked almost exactly like the one Emma and I were in, that I had to blink before realizing it was a different one. It was covered in blue flakes and read Winter Myths and Legends. It was one of the books of five that he had found in the last month. He flipped open the book to a section at the back.

The title read: Queen Elsa of Arendelle and her icy reign. Emma and I leaned in to read the information, and this is what it said.

A long time ago, in a land much unlike yours, there lived a king and queen. They ruled their island kingdom with a kind but firm hand. The mountains surrounding kept out threats, and the water kept them safe. The kingdom was at peace, until the queen gave birth to two daughters, who she named Anna and Elsa of Arendelle. Anna grew up patient, kind, and loving, where Elsa grew up kind, but secretive, and powerful. When the King and queen died, all that was left were the princesses, and their brother. One day, Elsa was visiting their winter cottage, when she fell through the ice into the freezing water. It took one moment for their life to change forever. Her brother clawed at the ice, trying to get to her, but she was frozen, captured in ice. A young man named Kristoff offered to use his iceman skills to get her loose, but they were far too late. He built the queen a coffin of ice, and they buried her frozen body deep in a tomb in the mountains. Many years later, a witch stole the body of this queen, and re incarnated her. Her heart was frozen, and she had powers to wield the ice and snow. She brought terror down upon the villages, leaving no survivors, for she had no memories of the past, and only darkness. Eventually a great sorcerer the name of Genie captured her, and the vas where she was contained ended up in the hands of an imp, where it remains to this day.

"So we have let the darkest winter evil loose on storybrooke," Emma asked. She was pale and shaking. I reached across the table, looked into her eyes, and whispered,

"I'm afraid so, my love"

Bum bum bum bummmmmmmmmmm.

Okay so you don't know what the books of five are, but that's something I made up. I'll explain, but that means that next chapter is a flashback of Henry's and will be long, so it might take me a while to write so expect that within this week, hopefully by Sunday. I'm so happy and thankful for all the reads I am getting, you guys literally light up my face and I hope you're enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Also check out the captainswan fanfiction she's pretty hard to find by HooksBooks, it's really adorable and hook is wearing a beanie sooo I think you should check it out 💗 comment, like, and leave suggestions cuz I got nowwhere to go and a whole lot of time to get there so I'll see you real soon!

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