Chapter 14- Frozen Heart

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I ran down Main Street, past Archie's Office, and down to the Rabbit Hole. Grumpy had yelled something about Robin being in trouble, and we practically had to tie Regina down, but she ended up staying to watch Henry. So much for earl grey when people are yelling about your love/hate being almost dead. We passed down to the hardware store, and lying on the ground, a frozen blue patch over his chest, was Robin. Marion came running down from the other side, holding Roland. For some reason, she glared at me. Ah, yes, the crazy girl who's life I saved now hated me. Makes sense (insert dramatic eye roll).. As soon as she saw Robin, she collapsed and started crying. I, personally, thought it was sort of ridiculous since we had no idea what was wrong with him and if he was alright or not, and also she was just upsetting Roland. Red, who had joined their party, headed over to comfort her and keep Roland away from the scene.

I kneeled down and pressed an ear to his chest. There was a small movement, but his breaths were shallow and he was freezing.
"He's alive, and if you want him to stay that way get him to the hospital!" I yelled. Grumpy and Hook hoisted Robin up, and set him in the buggy. I jumped in the driver's seat and sped off, the rest following in Granny's Truck.


Robin was admitted to intensive care, and we could only see him through layers of glass. I remembered being back here, when I was just hitting on Emma for her body, instead of falling for her heart. I looked at the bed and chuckled. Emma noticed, and smirked, seemingly remembering too. The doctors kept us out of the room, apparently they were trying to bring his body heat back up from freezing. I could see how stressed Emma was, she was doing that face scrunch at the doctors as they talked about the assessment. When they finished, she walked over to, and hugged me. As she buried her face in my chest, I could hear her sigh.
"what did they say?" Is asked tentatively.
I hated seeing Emma worried, but I needed to know, or maybe not needed but wanted to. I had been one of the last people to see him, so any hint as to what happened could be found through me.
"Apparently, he's in some sort of coma, and his heart is frozen."
"How do you think they'll wake him?"
Emma looked up into my eyes, and smiled.
"I don't know, with the heroes doesn't it usually end up with true love?"

So I decided to make the guy Robin, it was gonna be him or Kristoff but I don't know if I'm gonna bring them into this?? Probably but well see! I'm heading home from vacation, and OH.MY.GOSH💚 528 reads as last checked, that's like 100+reads since the last update (I think) and that's really flipping amazing! Thank you soo much! update tonight woot woot anyways I'm sorry if the story is boring, it picks up really soon cuz of the whole frozen heart thing and true love 😈 anyways ily and I won't have such a long authors note lol and the next one (chapter) will be longer this was just a plot mover

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