Chapter 15- Into the Woods

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This parts gonna be in a bit of a different POV, but bear with me because it helps the plot out.


I swallowed hard, and then turned my back on the "now leaving storybrooke" sign. I could hear the twigs snap under my boots, and a pine branch slapped my face as I pressed on. I could feel the temperature dropping as I got closer to the heart of the forest, and I pulled my jacket around myself, in an attempt to shield my self from the icy weather. Snow was beginning to gather in the trees, and in the leaves. Ice crystals hung from the canopy, like the sharp points of daggers, ready to slice the accused. The way the sun was shining through cast beautiful glimmering lights all over, and I would've been more appreciative if I wasn't so mad. Okay, frankly I was furious. Some random snow chick decides to invade my town and try to kill my complicated boyfriend? Hell no sweetie, no one messes with Regina.

In a burst of anger, I lit a spark and threw it at a pile of snow. I heard a laugh behind me, and I turned, fire blazing in my hand, and I would assume in my eyes. She laughed again, and a light snow began to fall.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded, stepping forward.

The girl smirked,"as if you don't already know, Regina. But since you wanna play the ignorant card,I am The Snow Queen."

"Don't you mean Elsa?" I asked cautiously

"Elsa? You think I'm that weak child? No. She is, however, one of the reasons I am here, along with you and Emma."

I was surprised to hear Emma's name, usually people said rumplestiltskin, or even hook. Never Emma before.

"What do you want with us?" I requested, stepping a little back. I felt my back hit something freezing. I should've known she would cage me in.

"I have my own reasons for all of you, but those are none of your business, yet," she answered, an evil smiling growing

I lit a small light, and attempted to thaw through the ice behind me. I was certain that speaking was not all she wanted to do with me. My voice shook as I asked my next question.

"What do you want with Robin?" I managed to stammer out.

"Who, the frozen boy? I want his heart, and I want you to suffer. Not that it wasn't any fun for me. You should've heard his screams, but I guess, since he didn't want you around, that's why you didn't. Also, I can feel you trying to thaw through the wall, and I'll let you go for this moment, but trust me, this isn't the last you'll see of me."

There was a cloud of snow, and as it settled, the walls dissipated, and fell away into little streams. Steam rose from the heat hitting the ice, and I hurried back to the town, my breath leaving little puffs of ice in the air.


"Emma darling, where are those frosty cocoa pop thingys?" I heard a very confused hook yell from the kitchen.

"Do you mean the Popsicles?" I laughed,"are they frozen?"

I heard the freezer open, and hook fumble with the plastic. He had a real eye for sweet stuff, and any junk food in the house, he ate it. I folded Henry's last shirt, and set it on his bed. He would be going home wih Regina tonight, so I has washed all his laundry.

The stairs creaked as I walked down them, and I swear I almost died of laughter when I saw killian attempting to wipe the chocolate sauce from all over his shirt, and face, and the floor.

"What the heck did you do?" I nearly tumbled down the stairs at the sight.

"I tried to open the wrapper, but the bloody thing wouldn't tear and so I grabbed my hook and things got messy."

He gave me a sheepish grin and I grabbed a wet cloth. Attempting to wipe the chocolate out of his hair, I reached around and grabbed his hook from him.

"This hook seems to complicate things," I stated, rubbing off a spot on his cheek.

"You know it's sexy," he laughed, before winking. He ran his tongue over his lip and I had to turn away. I ran some hot water onto the dishcloth and added some soap. When I turned around he was much closer than before.

"Hook, you're gonna get me all chocolatey!" I exclaimed.

"He laughed, and kissed me firmly, grabbing my waist.

"Killian! I'm all dirty now!"

"I'm not complaining," he murmured into my ear.

I heard the door opening, and quickly pushed him away. This wouldn't be the first time we were caught in a compromising situation, but I didn't want Henry to be embarassed.

Henry's face turned red as he saw the syrupy mess we now were, and he turned and pulled grace down to the den. I smiles, they had been together a lot lately and i knew how they felt, so I decided to leave it.

Another knock at the door startled me, we weren't expecting anyone.

My mom walked in, pushing baby Neal in a stroller, followed by charming, who was carrying a large blue diaper bag. He set it down on the table, and picked the baby up out of the stroller. My mom looked over at us, laughed, and then took he baby from charming, who just rolled his eyes.s. I took off my dirty sweater and tossed it in a hamper, before heading over and kissing my little baby brother. He still had all of his baby fat and he was so chubby and cute.

"Wanna hold him?" Mom asked

"Sure," I said, before reaching out and cuddling the little, yawning baby. He looked so content, asleep in my arms.

"Where's Henry?" Asked my mom, grabbing a bottle and heading to the fridge.

"In the den, with grace," I added, smiling.

"How's it going with those two?"

Asked charming. He was seated at the table, and had somehow find enough time to make toast.

"Well, they're together every moment, and they're constantly holding hands and whispering and giggling, so id assume well,"stated hook, pulling a Grey sweater over his head as he entered the room.

"I think it's adorable, except for the fact that her father kidnapped us and Regina trapped him in wonderland." I laughed, gently swaying the baby. He coughed a little, and grabbed my thumb. I smiled, he was such a cutie.

We were all laughing, sitting at the table, when the door opened. An ashen faced Regina drifted in, looking like she'd seen a ghost. Henry entered the room and saw Regina. regina sat down beside Snow, and sighed. Pouring a glass of red wine, she wiped her eyes.

"I met with The Snow Queen today. We have a bigger problem then expected."

"You mean Elsa?" Piped in Snow, taking a sip of tea.

"No, I mean the Snow Queen. Apparently they're two different people, and The Snow Queen is after Elsa, as well as me, and," Regina swallowed and looked down ,"Emma."

I looked over at hook, my heart pounding, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


Okay finally an appropriately long chapter and some plot yeah! I promised! AND OMG YOU GUYS ARE GREAT AT READING! Which sounds weird but I honestly love you so much! Thank you for over 650 reads! You are just like the best readers ever! And hook and Emma OMG hook STAHP (but don't) I'm sorry I write weird authors notes but anyways ILY SM AND THE PROMO PICS ARE KILLING ME OMG ANYWQYS I LOVE YOU 💗💗💗

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