699.8 (Part 1)

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It was dawn outside, understood Hinata when she saw through the curtains that it was still dark. It'd been a while now since she had woken up and she felt like she wasn't about to fall back asleep.

The air was still hot for the season and added to her husband's body's heat, she thought she was in a sauna. Their legs were intertwined. Her bum touching Naruto's pelvic area, she could feel his abs lightly tense due to his breathing. His arms under her breasts were keeping her close to his chest, his cold cheek resting against her shoulder blade.

Fortunately, she was used to being unable to move despite his warmth. Even Naruto's breathing growing louder and louder until it became snoring was bothering her. As she was mindlessly caressing his forearm, Hinata couldn't hold back a smile.

Her current situation reminded her of the beginning of their relationship.

When her mission lasted longer than expected, worry would affect Naruto's sleep. He was always excited when she'd come back, questioning her about her mission, her teammates, before asking her the reason why they were late. However, when it was bedtime, he'd keep her against him as if his life depended on it before saying he had missed her. Without really noticing it, all Naruto was doing created a feeling of importance and pure joy in Hinata's heart. During those moments, she'd always fall asleep with a smile on her face.

Suddenly dragged out of her thought by a terrible stomach ache, Hinata felt a bitter taste invading her throat. With a hand against her lips, she quickly escaped from Naruto's arms.

Then, his head heavily fell back on the bed. "Mmh." Pulling the bed sheet over his head, he rolled before realising he was alone. He sat up, trying to open his eyelids still glued by sleepiness. "Hinata?" He croaked.

But only silence answered him, shaking him awake. Looking around to notice she wasn't in their bedroom, emptiness started to invade his heart. Exactly the same feeling he had when Hinata left him all alone by the lack and went away with Toneri.

It's been three years now. A lot has happened. She can't leave me. He tried to reassure himself as a hand ran down his face. While asking himself if he had said something bad during his sleep, he saw the bedroom door wide open.

Fortunately, the light coming from the bathroom helped him slightly calm down and once he had climbed out of bed, he made his way towards the other room with tentative steps. Waiting with his ear against the door, he then heard noises he didn't like.

Forgetting about his dark thoughts, he stepped in the room with firm steps. Kneeling next to Hinata, he caught her hair to prevent it from bothering her while she was puking everything up she had in her stomach.


"It's ok, I'm here." he said as he was rubbing her back.

Once she felt better, she weakly landed her head on the edge of the toilets and sighed. With a moist cloth in hand, Naruto wiped her forehead, cheeks and month as gently as possible. Feeling Hinata's hand on his, he noticed her fine smile on her lips. She didn't want him to be worried. He knew it, but it was difficult to keep his cool and to be sure that she had nothing bad while he could see her face paler than usual, her dry lips and tired eyes.

"I'm ok... I'm... feeling better." she tried to get up.

"Hinata. I do not want you to move, ok?" She smiled.

Once she agreed, he went back to their bedroom, picked up one of her hairband and got back next to Hinata. He did what he could to tie her hair back before taking her in his arms to carry her to their bed. He delicately lay her down onto the soft mattress, held her head while he piled up pillows, then put the bedsheets on top of her shaking body. When he was sure she was comfortable, he sat next to her.

"Tell me Hinata..." he caressed her cheek. "What do you want me to do? I'll go get obaa-chan, if you want to... I'm sure she'll come for you."

"A glass of water will do, Naruto-kun." she whispered.

"Are you sure?"

Looking him in the eye, she nodded once to reassure him. However, he kept staring at her, frowning. She then reached out and caressed the folds of skin drawn on his forehead. Noticing, she was cold, Naruto brought her hand to his lips to warm it up.

Then, after hesitating one last time between running to look for Tsunade or simply brought her a glass of water, Naruto went to the kitchen to grab what she asked for before going back to the bedroom.

Next to her, he touched her shoulder while asking if everything was fine again. As she was slowly sitting up with his help, Hinata reassured him with a smile. "I'm already feeling better, promise." She took the glass from his hands.

Sitting next to her, he looked at her. It was true, she did look better. Her face had found its colours, and it was mostly because of Naruto's gaze staring at her

"I'm sorry..."

He put the glass on the bedside table before taking her hands in his. "You don't have to apologise, Hinata. I told you, and I can say it again, when I vowed that I'll take care of you. Remember?"

"Of course I remember, Naruto-kun." she said, her cheeks redder than before.

My wife's beautiful.

"Maybe I ate too much ramen." she smiled shyly.

"You really think you can be sick because you've eaten too much ramen?" He laughed.

"Don't be so tense."

Naruto didn't even realise he was on edge. He tried to relax his muscles, but nothing worked. His own body was ready to jump outside the house to get help. He was just waiting for Hinata's signal.

However, all she did was hug him then lead him against her heart before laying back against the pillows, forcing Naruto to lay down too. "Hinata. I'm too heavy. I don't want to hurt you."

But she just smiled against her husband's blonde hair. "I love you Naruto-kun" she murmured.

It was Naruto's turn to blush, "I love you, Hinata."

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