Jealousy (Part 1)

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Naruto and Hinata just came back from their moon mission, but one person from the past is at the village gate and is looking for the Hero of the Hidden Leaf, now known as the Saviour of this World.


Written for NaruHina 2020 - May


Despite the snow and the cold wind, a new day started at Konoha. The sun was rising, getting rid of the darkness to caress the Hokage's faces carved in the mountains. The silence of the night was broken by the small amount of animation in the still sleeping village.

However, at the Hyuuga compound, Hinata was already awake or rather, she hadn't slept, doing her heir obligations all the while staying at her father's side.

Now sitting on the wooden patio, legs over the edge, hands on her lap, she was enjoying her break, breathing in the fresh air, quietly looking at the small Japanese garden bathing in the daylight; bamboos and leaves were bending under the wind, the moss and rocks were wet because of the morning snow and the stream and koi were making the water lilies dance.

Next to her, two cups of tea and Hanabi focusing on peeling and cutting some apples.

What a relief, her baby sister was ok.

It had been two days since the three most important members of the Huyga clan came back home, heavily injured but alive.

Thank Kami-sama, Sakura had been very efficient before their return to Konoha. Hinata will be forever grateful to her for having heal Hanabi while, with Naruto, they were facing Toneri, trying to bring him back to his senses.

Unfortunately, he was stubborn and Naruto had to fight him. She had been worried for him. Especially when, true to himself, he'd jumped to help Toneri who had lost control.

She put a hand over her chest, trying to loosen the anxiety knot between her lungs.

He could've been expulsed far away because of the explosion. He could've run out of chakra. He could've been hurt, or worst since the kages wanted to destroy the moon rather than putting everyone's lives at risk.

They had nearly ran out of time.

Fortunately, Kurama had step up and they had avoided a disaster. Everything was back to normal, the mission was over and... it's at that moment the love of her life took her hand!

A very familiar wave of heat grew from the nape of her neck to climb to her cheeks, turning them lightly red. This december was one of the coldest and even thought she was outside, she didn't feel the frozen air bite her skin because of her burning love eating her alive, slowly, painfully, pleasantly.

Playing with her fingers, she shook her head.

It wasn't their hands intertwined together, creating a natural and right feeling, that was worrying her. Naruto unconsciously became really tactile with her after the war. No, what was coming back in her mind again and again was the next thing they did...

They had kissed!

Instantly, she felt conscious of her lips, of their shape, of their movements, of the tickilling moving across them, itching her.

Oh! Was it why everyone had stared at her at the village's gate? Was it possible, between her radiant complexion and sparkling eyes, to read on her face, on the curve of her mouth: 'Uzumaki Naruto kissed me!'?

No, of course, nothing was visible.

Still, she continued to feel his burning lips on hers as if he'd marked them forever and ever. And in a way, he did since it was her first kiss.

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