HS 9*

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It was dreadful to hear.
Marriage? She knew that she wasn't ready or at least that is what she thought.

24 hours earlier.

As usual she just came back from the shop.
She went straight to the parlor where they all hang out. But today Mohammed and Adam weren't here she knew they were probably still goofing around somewhere secretly or they are at work.
She sat down in front of the TV catching up on the new episode of Empire.

"You're back already?" She hears a voice behind her.
She turns around and sees Adam still wearing his usual faded sweats looking a bit too wolffish.
"I thought you were probably at work" she says calmly.
"Nah. Mohammed left for Ibadan this morning so I'm in charge and I thought maybe I will leave work earlier than usual" he says casually sitting on the couch across her and crossing his long legs.

"So I heard baba say he wants to talk to you later"

"Yeah. Probably about more chores"

"Or about marriage"

"Nope definitely not"

"Why not?"

"No dai!" She says trying to sound polite.
"Don't be joking around hajiya we both know it" He says with a stern look on his face before he leaves.

She didn't understand why he suddenly got salty, she didn't say anything to make him angry at least not that she knew of.


"How the hell did you get back?!" Adam asks with wide eyes.
Mohammed was seated in his office going through some files.
"I got back this morning" he says back.

"This morning? It's 7:18am. What do you mean by this morning?"
"As in an hour ago"
"By train?" Adam asks sitting on the couch.
"Nope. I drove here"

"You know what screw you, if you die on the Kaduna-Abuja road it's on you, just remember I warned you and I won't feel guilty if you die"
"What's up? You look irritated?"

"It's that Ammah girl wallahi. Compared to us baba is treating her luxuriously".
"And why is that a problem?" Mohammed asks him.
"It is a problem, it's because.....it's because....." he keeps quiet "all I know is that he is being selective wallahi".

"You do know that as long as you don't have a reason, what you are saying is baseless right? Completely and utterly useless"

"Ahh! What was I expecting? I forgot you like her" he says rolling his eyes.

"I like her and I don't have a doubt about it and I admit she can be a really arrogant, selfish and annoying sometimes. But it's not like she has any attitude that you cannot bear with".

"Oh really? You said it yourself that she is spoilt and aggressive"

"Yeah I said she's spoilt but I never said she is aggressive don't put words in my mouth"

"Mohammed meye yarinyan nan tayi maka?"

"Tell me the real reason you're being so salty towards a girl who did nothing to personally annoy you"

"I told you she's arrogant and selfish and greedy and bossy and spoilt and....."
Mohammed cuts him off.

"And what? Those are things you and I knew from the day we met her so what is your real reason?"

"I heard baba saying he is going to give her a chance to choose who she wants to marry" he says angrily.

"Wait what? Are you sure he said that?" Mohammed asks thinking about the conversation he had with baba when he told him about his feelings for Ammah.

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