HS 2*

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"Come on, so what? It's just five thousand dollars, to you it's nothing" Nusaiba says to Ammah shoving the shirt in her shopping bag.
"Yeah whatever, it's on me"

They finished shopping and walked out.
"So you pay someone to travel and get you clothes so you can buy them from him? That's loss not profit, don't you?"
"I just don't care" She says as they both laugh.
"So? When are you going to Kaduna?"
"In an hour, I should hurry"

"I'll miss you"
They hug and go their separate ways.



She sat quietly in her own compartment in the train, watching on her laptop but her mind elsewhere.


"Ammah, do not take things without my permission" her mum scolds her.
"Raliya let her be she's still a child" her father defends.

"How can you call a 13year old a child? She went out with her friends all day without our permission, you never know what she might do next. She went inside my room, took my keys and told the driver I gave her my consent"

"She won't do it again, right?" He asks her, she nods sniffling.
"There better not be a next time. Go to your room and reflect on what you've done!"
Ammah hurries out.

"Raliya! Do not talk to her like that, you're frightening her"
His wife just stared at him.

"She's young so she's bound to make mistakes"
"And she's supposed to learn from them. How will she learn when you pamper her? When you show her there's nothing wrong with what she's done? Excusing her behavior isn't a sign of love but that of neglect"

Amma hid outside, eavesdropping. She hated it when her parents fight because then she'd have to be in the middle of it all.

"Neglect? How dare you spew such nonsense?"
"Your daughter went out without permission, you don't know where she wen and you don't care to ask, what would have happened if she never came back? If something happened to her?"

He groans "Raliya, the dumb things you say"
At this point she was already at the brink of breaking down "You could wake up tomorrow marry a younger wife and have another child 9months later but I can't, she's the only one I have and will have so excuse me for trying to raise my only child right"
He sighs getting up from the couch "Stop trying to guilt trip me because it's not going to work, not this time and never again. You're not the first person who has Sepsis so stop trying to make things all about you, I cannot continue living like this" he storms out.

That was the last time he saw his wife.

She quickly wipes away her tears and picks up her phone.
He answered finally.

"Baba?" She calls out excitedly but there's no response so she calls out again.
"I've been calling you but you weren't picking, I got worried"

He sighs "Where are you at the moment"
"On my way to Kaduna"
"And someone is picking you up there?" He asks again, like an interrogation.

"I'll just get a taxi when I arrive"
"Don't bother, I'll tell Ladan to send his son to pick you up".

She smiles "Okay but Baba, when are you coming back?"
He stays silent.

"I have a meeting to attend but I'll send some money to your account, it's more than usual but you'll have to make it last so don't go on shopping sprees and take care of yourself"

"Is something wrong?" She asks worriedly. Her father never cared about how much she spent or what she spent on, he'd just send the money and nothing else.

"No, I just want you to take care of yourself. That's the only thing I've ever asked from you"
She nods "I will and I am"
"I'm not talking about spending money but actually doing something. I don't blame you because it's my fault, I made things this messed up and I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologize"
"I do. We'll talk when you've settled in"

"Okay, bye"
"Uhmm" he ends the call.

She smiles.
She didn't have a conversation like that with her father since her mother passed, it meant a lot to know that he still cared for her.


He ends the call.
He missed his wife more than he'd like to admit, even after all these years he wakes up with her on his mind.

He calls his friend Alhaji Ladan via video call.
He picks up.
"Ashiru, you're calling me via video call today?" The man asks surprised.
"For better understanding"

"I hear you. You look different".

The two have been friends since they were young and there's no one Ashiru undoubtedly trusts with his daughter except Ladin. He hasn't always been a good father and he knew that but he wanted to make things right, do right by her for the first time ever.

"I know our friendship hasn't been as strong as it was—"
Laden cuts him off "—I know how difficult things have been since Raliya's passing. I know what she meant to you so you don't have to explain yourself to me"

He smiles "Thank you. I need a favor dear friend"
"Of course, I'm all ears".


Adam and Mohammed just arrived at the train station. They had work to do but had to come pick up someone based on his father's orders which really infringed on his time.

"Let's hurry" he tells Adam as he takes long strides
"Okay but did he tell you who we're picking up?"

He shakes his head "I have no idea"
"So how would we know who we're picking up?" Adams asks again.

"He said the person would approach us"
"So we're literally just going to hang in the sun like dry fish until this person walks up to us?"
Mohammed shrugs.

"Just perfect" he murmurs annoyed. They both were.
Mohammed chuckles "He's your father, is he not?"
"That's why I can't complain"

"Adam Ladan?"
They both turn around and see an obviously younger female staring at them.

Mohammed smiles, even with no words exchanged between them he'd already feel drawn to the girl.
"Yes, I am" Adam answers.
"Oh thank God, I kept hoping I wouldn't be approaching the wrong Adam again?"

Adam laughs "How many people did you ask?"
"Enough to decide you're the last I'm asking"
He nods "This is my main man Mohammed but you can call him Moh, that's what I call him"

She smiles "Nice to meet you both, I'm Ammah"
"Wait, as in Uncle Ashiru's daughter?"
She nods.
He chuckles tapping Mohammed "I almost thought your father was hiding you from the world"

She giggles.
"Why don't you go to the car" Mohammed says handing her the car keys "We'll bring over your luggage"

"Thanks. Where is it parked?"
"Just at the entrance, a black BMW"
She nods and walks ahead.

Adam smiles brightly "She's gorgeous"
"She is and I was not expecting it. But for now let's hurry before we miss the meeting"
"Oh right".


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