HS 7*

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After working for more than 10 hours Ammah was finally done with her chores and getting dressed. She was exhausted but still intended to finish off everything.

Her plan was to go check up on her cafe early that morning but her uncle and aunt had other plans for her and now that she's done she could finally go see if things are running smoothly so she wore just a simple boys jeans, a white shirt, flats and tied her veil on her head.

She picks up her phone and shoves it in her back pocket before leaving the room to the living room where she left her car keys.

Unfortunately for her Adam and Mohammed were there, she liked Adam because he was funny and nice but Mohammed really pushed her buttons, talking to him frustrates her.

Both men dressed like they were either going out or had just returned but she really didn't care, she wasn't in the mood for a conversation anyway. She smiles faintly at Adam before picking up the keys on the center table.

"Wow wow wow" Adam exclaims sitting up.
She raises her eyebrows confused but says nothing.
"You look—different"

She looks down at herself "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"
He shakes his head "Nothing, you look good. It's just that you look too—" he trails off like he's thinking of a word to use.

"Simple" Mohammed chimes in.
She rolls her eyes "And I can't dress simple?"

He says nothing just looking at her. Everything about him infuriated her.
She turns to Adam "I had an exhausting day so I wasn't really feeling in the mood to dress up. I'm just going to the cafe anyway"

"Are you going alone?" He asks.
She nods "Unfortunately Mallam Isa isn't feeling too well so he didn't come to work today and honestly my hands are hurting but I'm left with no choice"

"I'll take you" Mohammed casually volunteers "I'm going to the office anyway and it's on my way"
She really really didn't want to drive but she definitely wasn't going to be shoved in a car with Mohammed, he just might frustrate her to death.

She forces a smile "No thanks, I'm good"
He shrugs getting on his feet "okay" he picks up his phone, keys and cap before walking out.

Adam walks over, resting his arms on her shoulder "Just go with him, you look exhausted and like you said your hand's hurting. Just do it, okay?"
She groans "He frustrates me, it's like he intentionally does it and I can't stand him"

"Then don't give him the satisfaction of annoying of frustrating him. Ignore him—take this as an opportunity to show him that he doesn't get to you"
"But he does"

"He doesn't know that" he says with the widest smile "Maybe you can use it as an opportunity to frustrate him as well"

She nods smiling "you're right. I will, thanks" she says before sprinting out.

He chuckles feeling so proud of himself.


Not a word has been exchanged between the two since they got in the car.
"Did I do something?" Mohammed asks.

"You're quiet"

"I can't be?"
"I don't know" he answers.
"It was a rhetorical question"

He takes a deep breath "You've been looking outside your window since you got in"
"I'm feeling suffocated" she says hoping he'd just leave it at that.

"Should I open the windows?"
"No need"
"You sure? I can open them if you want me to"
She turns and looks at him frustrated.
He smiles.
"You're evil, why are you always picking on me?"

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