IM Gay

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hola chicas y chicos. como estas? estoy enferma, lo siento si este capitulo es malo. (aye i listened in spanish class today)

salut les gars, je suis malade et je suis très fatigué donc je m'excuse pour comment la mauvais chapitre est. (sorry my french is probably really off i can only really remember basic things)

this is a set up for the next chapter soo it's short also.. i'm sorry, but during the week my updates will just be shorter in general since i don't have the time or energy to write out a 2000-3000 word chapter for you every single night.

QOTC: what is your favorite one direction song off of midnight memories? (idk why i'm asking i'm just curious) mine is why don't we go there, i think. or happily. i like both a lot.


"I'm gonna do it," Louis says quietly. Harry's got a supportive hand on his shoulder, Liam is giving him a thumbs up from across the table, Perrie is patting him on the thigh. As if it wasn't already stressful enough to tell the entire world that he was in fact one hundred percent gay, Louis has agreed to go with Harry on a 'proper first date' the next night. He already knows they'll get swarmed, but with Louis' announcement fresh and unexpected, having Harry along with him won't be good at all. Harry understands this, but he insists and Louis doesn't have the motivation to try to stop Harry from doing something nice for him.

So, Louis' typed up a nice, simple tweet: These things are never easy, but I've decided that I'm tired of lying to the people I care about and the people that care about me. I don't want you to think anything different of me, but if you do, well - that's your loss. You can never please everyone. I know I'm going to lose some of you by the end of this message, but those of you who stay with me are the only ones I truly care about. My name is Louis Tomlinson, and I am not who you think I am; I never dated Eleanor Calder, and I'm not dating any other girls at the moment because I am and always have been gay. x He thinks it gets his message across without being too lengthy or sappy. 

"Whenever you're ready, Lou."

"Take your time," Perrie adds.

"You can do this, I believe in you." Liam smiles at Louis. His finger is shaking; he seems to have forgotten how to move it and actually tap the tweet button. He's not scared, really,  but he is worried. Worried about how what other people say will effect his reputation, his family, his life. Worried about how this will effect the band (because if it crashed and burned because of Louis he'd never forgive himself). Worried about quite a lot of things, actually. 

"But what if-"

"Nope," Harry interjects.


"Not gonna happen."

"You don't even know what I was going to say," Louis huffs. His finger is still frozen. 

"Yes I do." Harry's tone is so bright that Louis can practically hear the smile in it. He hates Harry for being so confident all the time. (Don't get him wrong, it's great. Harry's great. Everything in Louis' life is great at the moment.)


"Because I'm a mind reader." Louis rolls his eyes. He hates being interrupted almost as much as he hates Colette, (and that's a lot of hate) and he'd probably punch Harry in the jaw if he wasn't so damn perfect. It's funny how Harry has that effect on Louis, but Louis thinks now is not the time to dwell on such topics; there are more important matters at hand. More important things to focus on. He almost forgets how to breathe. 

"What am I thinking right now, then?" Louis asks, blinking up at Harry from his chair. 

"You're thinking.. about all the bad things that could happen. You don't have to do this, Lou. No one is forcing you. You go ahead and post it whenever you want to, whether it be today, tomorrow, in five days, in five years-"

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