Chapter 22 - Mason

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JUNE 2022 UPDATE: Go read "Lucy", a spinoff of the Masked SheWolf trilogy, now updating on Wattpad, and its "Behind the Scenes" companion book that includes character profiles and a complete recap of the trilogy, as told by the characters in interview format.


"Last call, boarding to Paris," the voice in the intercom calls.

My heart is beating off the charts. I can't believe I'm doing this. Mary and I have been together for what feels like a lifetime. I've always considered her the light of my very existence. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that to end. Maybe that's why we've been fighting so much recently. I need to take that as a sign.

My duffel bag strung over my shoulder, I hand the flight attendant my ticket and boarding pass, then step into the hallway leading to the plane. My anticipation is growing with every moment. I didn't think I would be this nervous, but I was fine an hour ago, when I lied to my parents about staying on campus for the weekend to study.

Maybe it's the change that I'm scared about. It's a cheesy reason to be afraid, but it's true. We don't know what will happen to us in the future, but we somehow end up thinking of the worst possible scenario and start dreading it. The annoying 'what if' questions that just won't shut up are buzzing in my head. I try to calm them down by sleeping, but that's not so easy to do when your mind is on overdrive.

This is going to be a long flight.

Take-off provides a good distraction. I've always been fascinated by airplanes. I wanted to be a pilot before going for mechanical engineering. I know it seems like I've passed on a great opportunity for a lesser one, but if I can't handle a long distance relationship with my girlfriend in our current situation, how is being away allthe time any better?

And as long as I'm being honest, let's address the bigger problem that would ensue; where would that leave Dylan? If I go, the others will start wanting the same. There's no way I can do that to my only sister.

Suddenly, I feel like a hypocrite because of what I'm about to do. Mary is the one who taught me to accept Dylan for who she is, and I'm about to change everything for all of us, for good.

"She can't live like this forever," Marianna once told me. "She isn't ready yet, but one day, she's going to want to break out of that life, and when she does, you have to be there to support her. She will need you, all of you."

I didn't understand it at first, but eventually, it sunk in on its own. Maybe it's a long way down the road, but Dylan is going to find her true mate one day. Mom and Dad always knew that was a possibility. We've never lived close enough to another pack for us to have contact with other werewolves, and for the possibility that one of them is Dylan's mate.

Since our new neighbors moved in, that possibility became more real, and our parents have been more anxious than ever. If she finds a mate, that will be it, she won't have to keep her secret anymore. Mom and Dad are waiting for that day but at the same time dreading it, because it might mean that they will lose their little girl. Every parent's nightmare is when his or her child leaves them for good. I still don't know whether I'm going to speed up the process or not.

During the flight, I fidget in my seat a lot, until the lady next to me asks me to stay still. I watch a couple of movies to try and pass the time, but that's still not enough. I am relieved when I finally get some rest five hours after we've taken off. But it doesn't feel like I got a wink of sleep when I am shaken awake.

"Excusez-moi, monsieur, vous devez attachez votre ceinture, nous allons atterrir."

My French is not that great, but I understand that the attendant is telling me that we're about to land. I fasten my seatbelt and go back to sleep. There's a good half an hour or so until we're allowed to move, and I can take advantage of that. I need to be fully awake by the time I get to Mary's apartment.

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