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Haru liked when things returned to normal quickly yet having Haruna home seemed like a normal thing. As such he did not understand why things did in fact change when Haruna came back home. Haruna didn't let him go with her and Gou making him feel left out, yet swimming wasn't an option as Makoto said something about avoiding people and the attention which came with it.

"I get why you like Gou."

"She's nice."

"Yes, she definitely is." Haruna frowned. "Haru, you aren't making mackerel are you?"

"Yes." Haru heard a sigh escape from his sister's lips.

"You need more than just mackerel."

"I only need mackerel."

"That's not..." Haruna didn't push the matter but did make him eat something other than just mackerel.

The attention focused on him and Haruna yesterday still existed when they arrived home, yet the attention felt more intense. During lunch, Haruna and Makoto discussed how they should handle the situation and somehow Haruna came up with the idea she would, in fact, wait until the hallways cleared up before heading to the pool.

As such Haru found himself impatient towards the end of the day while he waited to go. "You could go without me."

"No, Haruna, no."

Haruna shook her head. "Don't you want to see Gou?"

"Yes." Haru sat looking forward without his head moving. "I want to see Rin, Makoto..."

"Okay. I get it. Soon."

Eventually, the hallways cleared up and Haruna got up. "We can go now."

Haru's eyes widened in excitement and his mouth opened, but no words came out. He stood up and headed towards the door. He saw off to the side a person standing just outside the door, but what he last recollected was a cloth covering his mouth. His head hurt, but his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell unconscious despite the fact he really wanted to go swimming.

When he came to he found himself tied to a chair in a place he didn't recognize. He glanced around at the dusty surroundings and unclean windows, but he saw someone was behind him in another chair. "Hello."

"Shut up." The man's voice was gruff. "You're her boyfriend, aren't you?"

"I'm not dating anybody." Haru didn't understand why the person was asking such questions. A groan from behind told him the other person was coming to, but he recognized their voice. "Haruna."

"Haru. You're too loud."

A man wearing a mask came over and grabbed Haru's dark locks of hair. "You heard her, didn't you? Your girlfriend that is?"

Haru frowned. "Haruna isn't my girlfriend."

"Of course, she's not."

"She's my sister."

Haru watched the man lift an eyebrow up underneath the mask. The person let out a laugh. "Oh my. Isn't that quite unexpected, isn't it?" The man took a deep breath. "Of course, that explains the similar eye color, doesn't it?"

"What are you doing?"

The man's eyes widened. "Doing? Do you not understand that I have kidnapped you and your sister?"


"Because the client paid me to."


"How should I know why? I don't ask that kind of thing when I'm getting paid." The man let out a chuckle. "You honestly wouldn't be in this mess if your sister hadn't escaped. My partner and I were not happy about that at all."

"I didn't like the fact you kidnapped Haruna."

"Wow. You are super dense. No wonder your sister was keeping you hidden from the media."

"That's not true." Haruna piped up.

"What? You don't think of him as an embarrassment, Haru-chan?" The man asked in a mocking manner.

Haru opened his mouth, yet he knew full well he was an embarrassment and frustration. He'd seen the embarrassed look on her face in the past. His mouth twisted into a frown, but he looked down at his feet despite the fact he couldn't see them. Haruna spoke up behind him. "Haru is not an embarrassment."

"Say that out loud all you want princess, but it's obvious your brother thinks otherwise." The man forced Haru to look up at him. "You know that you're weird, don't you? That you're not normal?" Haru swallowed. "I thought so."


"I know." Haru found himself still looking the man in the eye. "I know I do things which embarrass you. I know I disconnect with people and that I frustrate you. I know all of that."

"Haru, it's not your fault you are the way you are."

"Hear that?" The man laughed. "She just admitted it? If it's not your fault though there is no way your issues will be fixed either."

"That..." Haru let his chin fall as the man let go of his chin.

"Haru, I wouldn't change you for the world."

"Yes, you would."

"No, I wouldn't."

"Look, lie to him all you want princess, but there is no way he is going to believe anything you say. You kept him well hidden, this brother of yours. That is until recently when someone leaked information regarding him. Of course, right now they think he's your twin sister. What are they going to think when they find out he's your brother, but he's..." The man stopped speaking. "Well, he's got issues."

"That won't happen."

Haru let his eyes drift to the ground, but the man laughed. "Of course that won't happen, because your publicist will squash it to protect you. Pop idols are such bitches, aren't they? Protecting themselves over everyone else. Nobody is going to save you meaning we can actually wait..."

A loud sound was heard as the police broke down the door and came rushing in. The man lifted his arms, yet seemed surprised he was found.

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