Truth Outs

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Nanase Haruna was a major headache that Rin did not want, but so was his sister crushing on one of his childhood friends.

In his mind, the whole headache with Nanase Haruna was done for and should have been done for, yet he found out otherwise when the call regarding his sister ending up in the school pool came through. Getting the news from Makoto regarding his sister was less than an ideal situation, but he found himself wishing the team captain and coach hadn't taken the message due to him being in the pool when the message came in.

Yet, in the long run, the fact a meet up ended up arranged turned out to be a blessing in disguise as this would allow him to clear up things with Gou regarding Haru and Haruna's relationship.

Despite this, learning his sister almost drowned was still not nice information to learn second hand. Learning Haru saved her from the pool wasn't surprising given Haru's infinity with the pool, yet this felt strange due to how disconnected Haru usually was with people. The strangeness grew when Gou openly admitted she had a crush on Haru, yet she honestly didn't know how to deal with the situation.

Shock was the initial response.

Haru was, in fact, Haru, and one of the last guys Rin expected anybody to be into. It wasn't that Haru's personality was bland, but more of the fact his eccentricities were something very few would, in fact, want to put up with. Haru also struggled with social connotations and would likely make a poor boyfriend in regard to catching onto the cues of what the person he was dating wanted.

On the other hand, Haru was someone he knew who wouldn't instigate anything with his sister so he couldn't be against the two dating. The idea of Haru possibly become family though felt strange as did the possibility of the two having kids, yet Rin was, in fact, getting ahead of himself. In his mind, Gou's crush was simply a crush and would die off once they dated for a bit, but Haru was the one more likely to get hurt once her interest waned.

Of course, there was the fact Haruna was up to her usual manipulations and attempting to do something. The reasons for taking Gou out didn't seem evident, yet he also found himself wondering what she'd said to Gou, but wondered if having her as an addition to the family was worth his sister being happy if Haruna meant unhappiness for his sister.

He arrived with the rest of the swim team from his school expecting to race against Haru, yet knowing full well he needed to set his sister straight. The captain, of course, noticed he was yet again not himself. "The fact your off today is quite understandable, given the fact Gou nearly drowned yesterday."

"Is that why you set up this meet or is it because you learned that Nanase Haruna is attending this school and will likely be at said meet watching her brother swim."

"Well, there is that..."


The fact Nanase Haruna was going to Haru's school also bothered Rin. She could have attended the school a long time ago, but never did. The answer, he felt, lay with the fact she found Haru an embarrassment. After all, Haru did things such as swimming down to his swimwear and diving into any body of water he saw, yet his other eccentric behavior was off-putting.

Why Gou had a crush on him..."


Rin let out a sigh as Nagisa hurried over with his usual enthusiasm, but held out his hand so that his childhood friend couldn't hug him. "Where's Gou?"

"Oh. She's over at the shelter. I think she's still a bit shaken up about yesterday." Nagisa glanced over to the shelter where Makoto was sitting with Gou.

Rin took a deep breath before turning to his captain. "I'm going to talk to her privately for a bit."


He walked over and looked at his sister who indeed seemed frazzled and unlike her usual self. "Gou."

"Oh." Her head darted up.

"You didn't say anything did you?"

"Anything about what?" Makoto let his head lift up upon hearing Rin's voice.

"That..." Rin let out a deep breath. "You were right."

"You mean about Gou..."

"Rin!" Gou's eyes widened. She glanced away. "Not that it matters." She paused before turning and looking at him again. "Actually, it does because she's using him."

Makoto let out a groan. "Rin, what did you tell her?"

"About Haruna?"

"I've told you that what you think is going on isn't."

"Doesn't change the fact Haruna is a manipulative..."


"Okay, okay." Rin looked at his sister. "Gou, about Haru and Haruna..."

"She's not dating him because she likes him. She..."

"They're not dating." Makoto piped up.

"I'm quite sure they are." Gou looked at Makoto if he were crazy.

Makoto looked at Rin. "Seriously. You've not told her yet?"

"Aren't you at all bothered by the fact they're living together Makoto senpai?"

"Why? They're siblings."

Rin watched his sister's eyes widen in surprise as her mouth opened wide. He watched a blush spread across her face. "Wait..."

"Wonderful..." Rin rolled his eyes. "What now?"

"She..." Gou swallowed. "She said..." Her eyes drifted towards the ground. "I thought she was saying there was no way Haru could be interested in me because I thought she saw me as a threat, but then she said something about girls not being interested in Haru because he was weird and that she was stupid for thinking I might be."

Rin found himself confused. "Say what?"

Makoto tilted his head. "I'm not sure." He looked up. "Wait? Where are Haru and Haruna? They aren't here."

"Weren't they with you?"

"Haruna said something about avoiding the pool until after she knew they wouldn't be followed by other students, but Haru didn't want to come without her. They should have been here by now, particularly since Haru is excited about the meetup. Actually, Haruna was excited about getting to see Haru compete." Makoto headed over to his bag for his phone. "I'll see if I can't find them."

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