Home Coming

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Haruna returning home excited Haru. He waited with his bag of toys impatiently while she packed her suitcase, but her agent met her with a uniform for Iwatobi High School in a garment bag. The man smiled at her. "I think this is a good move on your part. You'll still be able to come for auditions once you're ready to start up again, but your in such a small town that the paparazzi will be noticed."

"Sill, you're sending my bodyguards with me."

"Yes. I've found living quarters for them in Iwatobi. Since you're taking the train, one will ride with you and keep an eye from the distance and another will drive."

Haruna hooked her arm into Haru's before taking a deep breath and stepping onto the train which would take them back to Iwatobi. She let him have the window seat so he could look out the window, but the journey was a relatively pleasant trip. He even enjoyed the bento Haruna bought for him even though it didn't have mackerel. Upon arriving, Haruna took a deep breath of fresh air. "Honestly, this is what I needed."

The two started walking back to the house with the bodyguard close behind. Haru's eyes caught sight of the ocean, but Haruna tugged at his arm which in turn pulled his attention away. When they arrived at their grandmother's house the bodyguard bid them a good day and they walked in. Haruna took a deep breath. "It's not changed."


"I'll prepare something, though I'm not sure what ingredients you have."


"Haru!" Haruna opened up the fridge and her eyes widened. Her hand reached for a note left on the shelf and read the note. "Oh. Makoto's mother made you some dishes and went shopping for perishables but made sure to clean out the fridge of things which might spoil." She turned and looked at Haru. "You didn't tell them I was coming?"

"Is there not enough?" Haru walked over. Makoto's mother prepared a lot of dishes.

"No. It was just that the note was addressed to you. If she had known, she would have included me as well, right."

"Oh. That's how you knew."

"I guess I'll have to make you breakfast instead."

"I eat mackerel."

"Haru," Haruna shook her head in disbelief. They sat at the table eating the items Haruna decide to reheat, but she seemed deep in thought. When Haru finished he picked up his plates and proceeded to wash, dry and put away before heading to the bathroom and drawing up a nice tub of cold water. He found himself sinking into the water and enjoying the feel. Eventually, a muffled sound was heard during one of his dives and he sat up letting the water drip off him. "Haru? Are you almost done in there so I can use the tub?"

He'd not had to share the tub since granny passed away except for the holidays when his parents and Haruna came to visit, and yet Haruna stayed away on many of those holidays. He enjoyed getting to see her ring in the new year bell and the other things she did during those times away. He stood up and stepped out of the tub dripping wet before walking over to the door and opening it.

"Haru!" Haruna's face turned red. "You can't walk out of the bathroom naked! I'm..."

Haru pointed down at his swim trunks.

"Oh." Her face turned even redder. "How am I to know you're swimming and not taking a bath? You do take baths without your swim trunks?"


"Haru, that sounds like a no."

"I'm naked."

"Haru, you're supposed to be naked when you wash." Harun took a deep breath. "Never mind. May I take a bath?"

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