Aqua Breeze

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Haru knew he wanted to see Haruna.

Haru's one track mind struggled with keeping on task. In his mind Haruna was important, but he also wanted to know she was okay. The anxiety of not knowing where she was became replaced by the anxious feeling of wanting to see her as soon as possible. There was no water or maceral around to distract him from his task of seeing Haruna.

There was, however, a rather annoying woman behind the counter effectively making seeing Haruna take longer. With his mind focused on seeing her, Haru simply took off. He walked down the hallways peeking into every room not caring who or what was inside so long as that who or thing was in fact Haruna.

Turning one corner allowed Haru's blue eyes the chance of catching sight of Haruna's bodyguards. Haru found himself hurrying forward. The bodyguards attempted blocking his way, but he simply ducked under their arms into the room. Lying on the bed was Haruna as he expected and he walked over and plopped into the chair near her bed.

Haruna lay in the bed perfectly still. Her long locks of black hair cascade around her shoulders while her eyes remained closed. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, but her hands were bandaged around the wrists. Her fingers were scraped up, but beyond that Haru didn't see any injuries as he looked at her.

"Haru, is that you?" Haruna's eyes opened up. "Haru-chan, are you crying?" Her hand reached up to wipe a tear away. "It's okay. I'm alive, meaning the bad guys didn't win, okay." Haru didn't say anything and instead watched Haruna turn over onto her side so she could look at him better. "I'm surprised." Haru didn't respond to her statement. "I didn't think you would ever notice I wasn't around."

Haru didn't think that true, yet didn't respond in any manner to what he felt should be obvious.

"Haru-chan?" Haruna's soft voice slowly calmed Haru down. "Could you possibly do me a favor?" Haru still didn't respond verbally let alone with any movement. "I know you don't like holding hands with people, but could you hold my hand? Please?"

Haru's eyes drifted to Haruna's hands. Her normally flawless hands were scraped up at the tips and her wrists were wrapped up. He ever so slowly lifted his hand and reached for the easiest to reach hand, yet his movement remained hesitant. Gently he took her hand in his, but he also hoped he did this in a gentle manner which didn't hurt her any more than she already was.

Haru's eyes focused on the scrape on Haruan'as hands. His fingers eventually started stroking the scraped, but for some reason, he thought this would help. "Haru-chan, that hurts." Haru startled and let go of Haruna's hand. Despite the actin hurting her rather than helping her she still smiled at him like an angel. "It's okay. Maybe I should play with your hands instead?"

Haru knew what this meant. He waited for Haruna to sit up and then quickly held his hands out for her and waited even more. An amused yet slightly tired laugh left her lips.

"Hold on. I need one of my bodyguards to get some hand things from the hospital gift shop. While we're waiting you can play with my hair. You've always liked playing with my hair, right?" Haru definitely liked playing with Haru's hair. Her hair was nice and soft. She tilted her head towards the drawer beside her bed. "There's' already some hair things in there."

Haru quickly stood and headed towards the drawer right by the bed. In the drawer was a hairbrush along with various hairbands and hair clips. Haru scooped everything up while Haruna pulled the trey attached to the hospital bed for food over so he could dump the supplies onto the trey. He started by brushing out Haruna's hair and watched the tension slowly leave her body.

"You know, if we got you hair extensions I could play with your hair as well, right?"

Haru nodded his head in agreement while a hairband stuck out of his mouth.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Oh. You're here as well Makoto." Haruna's head tilted slightly as she looked up at the door at the person who just entered her hospital room.

Haru didn't look up as his friend and instead kept manipulating Haruna's hair.

"Haruna, why do you make Haru do these things?"

"Haru-chan's just helping me be presentable."

"I'm talking about you talking to him about playing with his hair, but more specifically telling him he should get hair extensions."

"It's not as if I'm asking you to do so." Haruna let out a light laugh. "After all, you're not my brother."

Haru finished styling Haruna's hair and looked up triumphantly. He heard the conversation going on between his sister and his friend, but the context went over his head. He instead turned towards Makoto and gave his friend a thumbs up sign. "Haruna looks pretty?"

He watched Makoto let out a sigh of exasperation. "Yes, Haru. Haruna looks pretty. You did a very good job."

Haru felt pleased with himself. One of the bodyguards came in and set a bag onto the trey. Haru looked right at the bag and didn't see the bodyguards look of exasperation and confusion. Haru instead held his hands out over the trey with his fingers spread wide.

"Haru, no."

"Oh, come on Makoto. Haru-chan doesn't mind."

Haru's lips pushed together in excitement as Haruna started giving him a manicure. He heard Makoto drag another chair over so he could sit on the other side. "Come on Haruna. You know how Haru is."

"What is your point?"

"I think you may be taking advantage of him."

Haruna looked up at Haru. "You're fine with this, right Haru-chan?"

Haru emphatically jerked his head up and down once making Makoto sigh again. "Haruna, Haru's not in elementary school anymore."

Haruna's mouth twisted slightly. "Look, I know you're trying to look out for my brother Makoto."

"I got lost." The words came out with no inflection in Haru's voice, for in his mind he was simply stating a fact. Makoto let out a groan this time.

Haruna stopped filing Haru's nails. "What does he mean by that?"

"Continue," Haru said.

This time Haruna let a sigh escape from her mouth. She started filing his nails again and continued until she finished. When she did, she asked. "Can you tell me what you meant by getting lost, Haru?" She pulled the nail polishes out of the bag next. They were in a variety of colors, but her mouth formed into a circle. "Oh. They have my colors."

This brought a ground from Makoto. The corners of Haru's mouth turned down ever so slightly. "I ate canned maceral. I sat with my forks. Makoto found me. He has my forks."

Haruna unscrewed a bottle of nail polish with a color which reminded Haru of water. "This one's called aqua breeze. Does it remind you of water, Haru-chan?"

"Yes." Haru watched Haruna begin painting one of his nails with the color she picked.

"Makoto, what does Haru mean by that?"

"Haru decided he would go looking for you. Thankfully I found him."

"Wait. He came all the way to Tokyo?"

"I told him not to."

"Haruna?" Haru didn't like seeing Haruna's face twist up like it now was. "You angry?"

Her blue eyes blinked a couple of times. Haruna started smiling again at her brother. She'd painted two nails with the water like nail polish on one hand, and one nail on the other hand. "I'm not mad. You getting lost scares me, okay."

"Me too."

"He means you being lost scared him."

Haruna ignored Makoto and picked a different color of nail polish. "Do you still like dolphins, Haru-chan?"


"Then I'll paint a dolphin on some of your nails."


"No. I'm not painting mackerel on any of your nails, Haru-chan." Haruna let out a laugh before looking at Haru's friend in the eye. "Thank you for looking out for my brother, Makoto."

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