Finding Haru

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In the back of his mind Makoto knew he should have seen what Haru did coming, what with how distracted Haru was during his normal routine, and yet Makoto was overjoyed Haru wasn't sulking under a blanket anymore.

He arrived at Haru's home in the morning in high hopes of seeing his friend cooking mackerel at the stove but instead found the kitchen completely silent. Makoto headed straight towards Haru's room and yet didn't find him there. His eyes caught sight of Haru's bookbag sitting on the desk and swallowed. In the back of his mind, Makoto knew Haru always put the bag in the exact same spot and yet Haru hadn't grabbed the bag for school.

He picked up Haru's bookbag and swung it over his shoulder in case Haru's mind became distracted by the idea taking a swim, and yet the lack of change in the kitchen from when he left Haru's place the night before honestly bothered Makoto. He didn't see Haru swimming at the beach or any of the other places Haru would logically mean which meant Haru most likely did what he told him not to.

Makoto thus called Haru only to be hung up on when Haru became distracted by something. Gripping his phone in his hand Makoto headed towards the teacher's staffroom and peeked in looking for Amakata sensei. She glanced up and saw him standing there in the doorway and saw what was in his hand. "Tachibana, you're not supposed to use your phone at school."

"It's an emergency Amakata sensei."

"What do you mean?"

"Haru went to Tokyo."

"He what?" Amakata sensei's eyes blinked in disbelief.

"Can I go after him?"

"Tachibana, how are you not going to end up lost as well?"

"I can track his phone with mine."

Makoto watched his teacher close her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "You know, if I didn't know Haru as well as I did I would honestly be worried about you tracking his phone without him realizing." Her hand reached out for a piece of paper. "Feel free to take any of the other swim club members with you. I will let the principle and their teachers know. Here is the school's information in case you need it."

"Thanks, sensei." Makoto took the piece of paper from her and stuffed it into his pants pocket. He personally hoped he wouldn't need the piece of paper, nor did he plan on taking any of the other swim club members with him.


The voice made Makoto stop walking out of the school and slowly turn towards the person. "Kou..."

"Where's Haruka-senpai?"

"Ah..." Makoto felt the corner of his mouth twitch slightly.

He watched Gou's eyes narrow and her lips press together. "What's going on?"


"I don't believe you, plus you're leaving school rather than coming, so I'll repeat my question. Where's Haruka-senpai?"

Makoto glanced away and muttered under his breath. "Tokyo."

"What is he doing in Tokyo?"

"This is Haru we're talking about."

"Are you really going all the way to Tokyo to retrieve him?"

"I'll call my parents and let them know what's going on as soon as I get to the station, but Akamata senpai already knows I'm going after him. I've really got to get going." He turned towards the exit but felt a hand grab onto his school uniform.

"I'm going with you."

"Wait. No." Makoto turned back towards Gou.

"You can't stop me."

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