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Nothing distracted him from his studies and training. The phone call from Makoto placed everything regarding Haruna behind him. Everyone else at school remained busy with their own school work and training, but the captain of the swim team and his roommate didn't ask for any more details. He didn't expect gossip to eventually travel, particularly since gossip seemed like something girls would do.

"They found that pop idol."

Makoto continued smiling at his teammate but wondered why they brought the subject up. Seijuro gave the team member a funny look, but Aiichiro's head turned. Makoto sighed. "And?"

"The rumor has it she arranged for her own kidnapping."

This, of course, made both the team captain and his roommate looked at him as if he had the answers. "Sure, she did. Why would she?"

"Why? Apparently, she has a boyfriend and wanted some time off to spend with him." It was then that the magazine came out and they opened it up to the picture.

Seijuro let out a laugh but sat up straight while crossing his arms. "Honestly, you really shouldn't believe those gossip rags, but if the teachers catch you with it you'll be in a lot of trouble."

Makoto glanced at the article upside down only for his eyes to narrow. "Wait..."

Aiichiro leaned in close. "Wait. Is that Nanase Haruka?"

Makoto felt his eye twitch slightly while his teammate with the magazine let out a sigh. "Man, that means I don't stand a chance with her. That said..."

Another laugh escaped Seijuro's mouth. "As if you stood a chance."

"Is that fingernail polish on his fingers?" Aiichiro asked. Rin closed his eyes in frustration; somehow he knew Haruna manipulated Haru into letting her paint his nails.

"Well, maybe I'd stand a chance with her twin sister."

"Her what?" Rin's eye snapped open.

"Yeah. There is a picture of her with her twin sister when she was younger, but they're both cute, so her sister must be good looking as well. Nobody knows where she disappeared to, or if they're trying to keep it on the down low that there are two of them. Maybe they don't want people to know that the twin is dating and she's still kidnapped."

"Let me see." Aiichiro picked up the magazine and looked at the image so Rin couldn't see the picture, and yet Rin didn't think he'd ever be able to erase the memory of Haru dressing like a girl from his mind. "Oh. You're right. They're identical." Aiichiro turned the magazine around and pushed the reading material towards Rin and their swim captain. "See for yourself."

Seijuro glanced down at the picture examining it carefully while Rin let out a groan at seeing the picture of Haruna and Haru as children. In the back of his mind, he wondered how the paparazzi got ahold of the picture in the first place. "What's your problem?"

"I don't think Rin sempai likes her."

"Wait! You know her!"

Rin wanted to pretend the person in front of him wasn't his teammate but found himself thankful he couldn't remember his name. Seijuro leaned in closer so he could examine the picture closer. "I don't think she has a twin sister."

"Oh, come on." Aiichiro's finger landed between the two twins in the picture. "They obviously look like each other."

Seijuro let out a sigh. "I won't deny that. I won't deny the fact they're twins either." A few of the other teammates who weren't a part of the conversation looked up in confusion. "However, I don't think she has a twin sister. I think she has a twin brother."

"What?" Aiichiro pulled the picture back and a few of the others leaned in. "How can you tell, if that is so?"

"I'm right. Aren't I Rin."

Rin took a deep breath while closing his eyes. "How did you know one of them was Haru?"

Seijuro shrugged his shoulders while watching the teammate who said he'd like to date Haruna's twin turned a deep shade of red. "They have the same eye color, but it is rather distinctive isn't it."

Aiichiro flipped back to the pictures of Haru and Haruna. His eyes quickly widened. "You're right."

"Wait. Why is he dressed as a girl."

Rin suddenly wished he didn't know Haru. "Honestly, I don't always know what goes on in Haru's mind. I think the only one who does is Makoto."

"She's his sister." Seijuro picked up his drink and took a sip. "You asked me the other night about having a sister, but I'd do some pretty embarrassing things for her if she asked simply because she was my sister, although she never has. Plus, they're twins."

Aiichiro looked at the picture. "Actually, if I had a female twin I think it would be fun to fool people into thinking we were both girls and seeing the reaction when people found out."

"You could possibly still pull it off. I mean, passing as a twin to your twin sister if you had one." This comment made Sejuro elbow the person beside him.

"None of that."

Aiichiro shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't have a problem with them saying that. Of course, right now I'm still thinking it would be a lot of fun to fool people. Unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough to have a twin sister who looks like me."

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure if that was what Haru was thinking when he did it, to be honest." Rin closed the magazine. "Could we possibly not talk about this? There's a reason I don't like her."

Seijuro frowned. "Wait. Wasn't your sister mad at Haru?"

"Yeah, so?"

"And she'd met this Haruna?"

"Where are you getting at captain?"

A sigh escaped Seijuro's mouth. "I guess I'm out of luck when it comes to Gou-kun."

Rin frowned, knowing full well the crush the captain had on his sister. While he was honestly glad Seijuro was giving up on his sister, and yet he didn't understand why. He couldn't think of a way to ask why the swim team captain was giving up, but Aiichiro did. "You're giving up on getting Rin senpai's sister from dating you? Why?"

"She likes Nanase-san. As in Nanase Haruka."

"Wait? What?" Rin looked Seijuro in the eye. "Why do you say that?"

"She was mad at him because she thought they were dating."

Rin still didn't want to believe Gou had a crush on Haru, for that seemed like one of the most unbelievable things he could think of.

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