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The sound of a clock ticking permeated the otherwise quiet room. Gou lay on the couch looking up at her favorite magazine. Red locks of hair escaped from her ponytail as she perused her pages. Every time she turned a page and ogled another guy with amazing muscles, she found herself holding back a squeal of delight.

"You might want to put that away before the guys get here."

The youngest member of the Matsuoka family bolted straight up. Her feet thumped onto the ground rather loudly while the magazine fell to the floor in front of the couch. Gou turned slightly and looked over her shoulder. "Rin!"

Her older brother stood behind the couch glaring at her rather unladylike behavior. A towel wrapped around his shoulders while water dripped down from his red colored hair. "Can't you be more ladylike?" After a brief period of exchanging gears with his sister, Rin decided to say something. "This is rather embarrassing to say, but maybe you should act more like Haru."


"You heard me!" Rin snapped.

Gou let out a sound of irritation and scooped her magazine off the floor. Her fingers pressed between the pages and took a deep breath. "Where did I leave off?" One of Gou's eyebrows twitched upon seeing the page opened in front of her. "Not her."

"Who?" Rin leaned over and looked at the page in question. Where one might expect one of the muscle-bound guys Gou enjoyed ogling at one instead saw an advertisement with a specific model. Her vivid blue eyes looked out making eye contact while locks of black hair cascaded elegantly down her shoulders. Whatever was being advertised, the model exuded the aura of feminine elegance Gou likely never would. "Oh, her."

The younger Matsuoka family member looked up as her eye twitched. "Rin! You dummy! Telling me to act more like this model! You..." A sudden glint of amusement appeared on her face. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a crush on her?"

"Her? Where the hell did you get that idea from?"

"You said it was rather embarrassing to mention, so it must be because..."

"Moron. She's not the only Haru we know." Rin let out a sigh. "Could we possibly not repeat this conversation when the guys get here?"

"Because you don't want them to know you have a crush on a local celebrity?" Gou continued looking at her brother mischievously for only a few minutes. She soon found herself contemplating something else. "All of the girls talk about her, but every single one wants to be like her. She's probably a bitch."

"She is."

Gou felt her lips twist into a frown of confusion, but the doorbell rang before she could ask her brother what he meant. She instead turned and watched her brother head to the front door and greet their guests. Makoto stood at the door smiling like he usually did as locks of blond hair fell into his face. "I made sure to bring Haru."

The "Haru" in question stood in the doorway with Makoto pushing lightly on the middle of his back. Haru's bright eyes were glazed over indicating his mind was on anything water related instead of the get-together Gou planned for the swim club. After a few seconds, he walked in and headed straight towards the kitchen. Rin stood at the door frowning. "Hey. I didn't give you a proper greeting yet."

The youngest member of the Matsuoka family turned slightly and looked at Haru, remembering what her brother said. Rin's eyes widened when she started speaking, but he headed over towards Gou with a rather evident glare. "Oh. So that's what you meant by embarrassing. Yeah, I can see why..."

Rin's hand clamped down over his sister's mouth. "Don't. Don't say another word Gou. And put that magazine away. You're going to make the guys uncomfortable."

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