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Makoto heard the bell on the door jingle again when he re-entered the café. He headed over towards the booth where Gou was enjoying herself, but Makoto couldn't blame her when she was getting out of class without getting into trouble because of Haru. Haru was of course absorbed in eating his food and acted as if he hadn't heard Makoto when he said Haru's parents had called him.

In a way, it was a good thing as it meant Haru's mind wasn't on Haruna.

Gou glanced up when Makoto arrived. "So? Did you tell them? About what Haru did? They'd want to know, right?"

"Not exactly. I'll tell them later when the time is more appropriate." Makoto sat down and began eating his own food. "Haru, after we're done eating we're going to go see Haruna at the hospital, okay?" Makoto watched Gou's mouth twist into a frown while Haru stood up and start heading to the door. He watched a slight glint appear in Haru's eyes and his mouth twist ever so slightly. Makoto quickly stood and stepped out to the side. "No. When we're done eating, okay?"

Haru's eyes narrowed and his mouth twisted ever so slightly into a frown, but he sat down. Gou's mouth twisted into a rather obvious frown. "Wait. Is this Haruna that..."

Makoto quickly lifted a finger to his lips indicating she shouldn't say anything more. "It's probably not public knowledge yet." Gou glared at him as if she knew there was something he wasn't telling her. "But yes, it is her." He watched Haru stuff a rather large bite of food into his mouth and grimaced knowing full well what would happen next. Haru choked and clapped a fist to his chest. "And you. Eat slowly. We don't need you ending up in the hospital as well."

"Rin doesn't like her, but I'm honestly confused as to why you three know her, considering..." Gou obviously got the message not to use certain words.

Makoto let out a sigh and continued eating his food and enjoying the silence while keeping an eye on Haru who returned to eating his food slowly, and yet the excitement remained on his face. Gou glanced over at him and continued picking at her food, but ended up not finishing what she ordered. They next headed to the nearby transit location so they could proceed to the hospital. "Hey, Haru. Could I check your phone."

Haru pulled out his phone and glanced at it. "Batteries dead."

"That would explain why your mom and dad called me and not you. That or..." Makoto didn't finish the fact they may have called him with the news knowing full well Haru might act irrationally upon hearing the news. While on the transit line taking them to the hospital Haru started fidgeting ever so slightly. "Hey, calm down. We'll be there soon, and you can see Haruna."

He didn't catch sight of Gou glancing away with a rather pained look on her face. When they got off the transit and had Haru pointed in the right direction of the hospital he found himself latching onto the back of Haru's shirt so he wouldn't walk too fast or into traffic. Upon arrival he approached the front desk of the floor Haruna was on while Gou stood back with Haru. Makoto didn't catch on to the nervous look on Gou's face.

"I'm sorry. Only family can see her."

"I know, but..."

"Where did your friend go?"

Makoto felt a feeling of dread when he turned around. Haru was of course gone. Gou noticed the look on his face and turned to where Haru was standing only moments before. Her mouth formed a circle before she took off after Haru. Makoto took a deep breath before leaning over and whispering something to the person behind the desk.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she pointed in a specific direction and gave him the room number. "Oh. Well, that explains it."

"I've got to go after him before he gets into trouble." Makoto took off and quickly caught up with Gou. More importantly, both could see Haru proceeding through the hospital at a rather quick pace frantically peeking into the various rooms. A light yelp was heard from one room and Makoto let out a groan. Eventually, Haru found the hallway on which Haruna's room was on. Haru, of course, saw the bodyguards standing outside and made a beeline.

Makoto let out a groan as Haru quickly ducked under their arms into the room. One of the men turned. "Hey! You can't...

"Haruka-senpai!" Gou and Makoto increased their walking pace, but the guards glanced up. The looks on their indicated a form of realization and they stepped aside slightly.

Makoto took a deep breath when he peeked into the room. Haru sat in the chair beside the bed. Haru's hands and feet twitched slightly, but Makoto was sure the look on Haru's face was that of anxiousness, or at least what Makoto would recognize as such. He heard Gou verbally swallow as she stood by him but didn't look at her face. Haruna at first remained perfectly still. An IV ran into her arm helping to rehydrate her, but her wrists were bandaged up.

Eventually, Haruna opened her eyes and Makoto saw a pair of eyes which matched Haru's. "Haru, is that you?" The frown on Makoto's face deepened when he saw Haru's fidgeting increase. "Haru-chan, are you crying?" Makoto watched Haruna reach her hand up to Haru's face gently. "It's okay. I'm alive, meaning the bad guys didn't win, okay."

Makoto heard a deep gasp from Gou and finally turned toward's Rin's sister. He saw her walking away from him. Her arms were wrapped around her tightly. Makoto turned towards the guards. "I'll be back in a bit for Haru."

He hurried after her and saw Gou was definitely upset. "Look, Haruna is..." He changed the direction of his words lest someone else overhear what he was saying. "The line of business she's in means there's a chance for things like this to happen."

"It's not that. I really should be heading back to Iwatobi. You know, to tell everyone Haru is okay, particularly Rin." Gou's hands wrapped around her chest tighter, but for some reason, Makoto thought she – Gou of all people – was going to cry. She then said, "Haruka-senpai really likes this Haruna person, doesn't he?"

"Wait? You think..." Makoto's eyes widened, but realization began setting in. "Kou, you don't have a crush on Haru do you?"

Gou looked up at him and put an obviously fake smile on her face. "Are you kidding me? Who would have a crush on Haruka-senpai? He'd make the worst boyfriend ever, what with the fact he'd pay more attention to water and mackerel than whoever he was dating, but he does weird and embarrassing things." Makoto watched her swallow slightly. "And plus, I may have a muscle fetish, but I would never, ever date a guy simply because I find them good looking. Never."

"So there isn't anything you like about Haru?" Makoto watched her carefully.

"That..." Gou swallowed nervously again and looked at the ground.

"I really need to be going. I don't need to make my brother worry."

Gou turned and walked away. Makoto closed his eyes in frustration but knew he'd need to talk to Rin as Gou clearly misunderstood the situation between Haruka and Haruna.

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