Chapter 9

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Tyler's POV

Alyssa looks as if she might faint so I direct my attention to the teacher instead of her.

As the teacher finishes the third group, I see him lift his head and look at our odd group of three.

"Alright so let's see here, Alyssa, Christy, and..Tyler?" the teacher looks slightly confused, but continues to write all three of our names down.

As I'm looking at him, I realize that most if the class is actually looking at me. They must find it odd that I'm in a group with two geeky looking girls.

They look away swiftly though when I make eye contact with them. Geeky or not, they're girls. And girls are always a plus.

The teacher finishes the last group off and returns to the front of the class.

"This project will be due next Monday, so you have one week. Remember, each of you need to thoroughly explain what life means to you. Be detailed! Oh and don't forget to memorize!"

I turn around to give Alyssa a witty comment, but she's at the other side of he class, packed and ready to go out the door.

I step to approach her, but almost immediately after my first step, the bell rings.

Alyssa's POV

Great. Now I'm stuck with Tyler.

I mean I want to be in the same group as him, but I'm just so scared.

I've never been put in a position where the guy I have a crush on actually acknowledges me.

It's actually quite nerve racking now that I think about it. All the guys I've ever liked have either ignored me or just straight out told me that they don't like me.

Not Tyler though. It's odd because I'm pretty sure he knows I like him. I'm always fidgeting with something and I can never look him straight in the eyes.

All the signs are there, I mean he must know I like him right? Or maybe I'm just wrong.

Maybe he isn't sticking around. Maybe he doesn't know I like him.

Maybe I should tell him. No.

I can't do that I myself again. I can't let the same thing that happened with Derick happen with Tyler.

I promised myself I would never tell a guy I liked him again after that day. I was humiliated. Destroyed. Broken.

Never again. I swear from this day forward, that I will never, ever tell Tyler my feelings about him.

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