Chapter 7

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Alyssa's POV

I read the text with trembling hands.
"Oh I have a good reason bitch. If you wanna play, let's play. I'm here all day and I have all the time in the world."

I'm so confused. Who could this be? What did I do? What will I say?

I debate on whether to text back to this person, but I desperately want to know who it is. I have a million thoughts floating through my head, but not a single one can make a guess on who this could be.

I decide to text back.

"Who is this?"

I wait patiently but frantically at the same time. Almost immediately after I hear my phone vibrate and know it's them.

"It's your worst nightmare slut. Get used to it. ;)"

I drop my phone in my lap and just cry. I don't usually cry and I don't know why I am now, but I feel so helpless and weak. I don't even know what to think.

It feels weird crying for the first time in what seems like years. I haven't cried since my mom was rushed to the hospital about 8 months ago.

I just sit there and let the warm tears fall onto my phone screen. I have so many questions.

Why me?

I start to realize how easily broken I'm acting and I hate it. I harshly wipe my tears away and tell myself to man up. I don't need to be a baby about something so..pointless.

It's obviously someone who doesn't have a purpose in life because I haven't done anything wrong lately. I don't deserve this.

I'm getting heated now and even though I don't curse, I need to seem tough and stand my ground. No breaking down anymore.

"I don't know who this is, but you better fuck off. I mean it." I hesitate to send it because I absolutely hate sailor words, but I do anyways.

I get irritated when I still get a text back.

"Aww daddy's little girl wants to curse now? That's cute. Did you get permission to say 'fuck'?"

I really want to just choke this person now.

I wonder if this is a girl. Well that's a no-brainer. Obviously.

I don't even text back to this one. I swipe the message thread and turn my phone on mute. I lay back and shut my eyes. Thank God it's Saturday.

Tyler's POV

I set my phone on the table and pull my mother closer to me on the livingroom couch. She's still crying over my grandma. She slowly gets up and tells me that she's going to make some funeral arrangements. I can only imagine how much the service will be, and we don't have much money right now.

I offer to help with the measly $200 that I've save after about a year and my mom declines. She says it's not right to take money from your children, but I disagree in this case. I nod in silence and she walks into the kitchen to get on the home phone.

I sit here and wonder what Alyssa's doing right now. I know I shouldn't be nosy, but I was really surprised when she had to help her mom to the door at the hospital. I wonder what's wrong with her.

I text around and see if anyone knows who Alyssa is and no one seems to recognize the name. I sigh in disappointment and look out the window. I hear my phone ring and when I grab it off of the table, I light up when I see Stephanie's name on the screen.

"Hey baby :)"

I smile to myself and start to text back when I hear my stomach growl and when I look at my watch, I realize I haven't eaten and it's already 5.

"Hey, do you want to grab a burger from The Habit?"

"Ew. The Habit. Really Tyler?"

I roll my eyes at her snarky comment and choose somewhere more classy.

"How about Le Broskille?"

"Mmm no that sounds good ;) I just hopped out of the shower, when do you want to pick me up?"

I knew she would like Le Broskille. They have the best Italian food in town, but they're quite expensive.

"How about in 15 minutes?"

"I have to apply my makeup, can you make it 30?"

I hear my stomach growl again, but agree to 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes of watching my favorite sitcom Two and a Half men, I head over to Stephanie's.

When I pull up, she's looking extravagant as usual with a knee-length black dress and heels. I never understood why girls wear heels. They sound terrible on the ground and I bet they hurt like hell.

I smile and snap out of it when she impatiently waits at the door for me to open it.

"Oh sorry." I say as I rush out to the other side to open the door for her.

We pull up to the restaurant and when I turn my truck off, she says.

"We need to talk."

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