Chapter 5

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The sunlight burns my eyes seeping through the purple curtains. Finally Saturday. I push my arms out and release a long yawn. I drag myself out of bed slowly and walk to the kitchen.

I'm greeted by the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. The smell invades my nostrils and I can't help but plaster a huge smile on my face when I hear my mom humming along to the song playing on the local radio station.

"Goodmorning darling!" my mom beams.

"Goodmorning. The food smells really good," I smile back.

"Well you won't have much time to eat it. I have a doctor's appointment today, so get ready as soon as you're done with breakfast okay?" An appointment..on a Saturday?! What has this world come to?

"Yeah, sure," I groan.

"Don't be like that Alyssa. It won't take long okay?"

"Alright mom." I lean over the counter and give her a small kiss on the cheek. She hands me a plate of food and my stomach instantly growls.

"Looks like someone's hungry!" my mom laughs.

"Yeah, it seems so," I chuckle.

I head back to my room and sit on the bed with steam hovering over the eggs. As soon as I'm about to take a bite of my bacon, I hear my phone vibrate on my night stand.

"I glance down and see a "Hey" from a number that I don't recognize.

I grab it and am about to ask who's texting when my phone goes black. I swear, I always forget to charge this dumb phone. I plug it into the wall charger and after a few minutes of staying black, I decide to just check it later.

I finish off my bacon, then my eggs and take a quick shower. The hot water takes away some tension from my shoulders and I get out when my hands start to prune.

I snatch a towel from the hallway and do my usual morning routine. Makeup, hair, outfit, and then sometimes food, but the food is already taken care of.

My mom is waiting on the sofa when I look at her outfit.

"Well, well. Look who's all dressed up today." I grin.

"Really? Do you think it's too much? Should I put on something else?" she seems worried.

"No, mom trust me, you look beautiful." I reassure her. Hey brown hair is pulled into a low bun with a small braid on the side. Her shoulders are slightly revealed by her baige, silky top, and her hips are defined with a black pencil skirt, and I am pleased by her simple but stylish looking black flats.

She gives a weak smile and I walk over to help her outside to the car. I lock the door and head to the car. Darn, I forgot my phone. I'm sure it's charged by now.

"Where do you're think you're going young lady?"

"To get my phone?" I say hesistantly.

"You can get it when we get back. We're going to be late, and you know how I feel about being late."

My mom is never late to ANYTHING. Whether it's a meeting or just a medicine pick-up, she's always on time. I don't think I've ever noticed her ever being late in my 15 years of life.

"But please mom I.."

"No buts. Now get in the car."

I roll my eyes when she looks away and picture myself reading the terrible home decor magazines that usually fill the hospital waiting rooms. Why did she have to set it for today? I should be sleeping in right now.

I drag my feet to the car and plop down onto the plush seat.

"Don't have an attitude Alyssa. I'm not it the mood for it today."

"Yeah you never are." I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" she asks in a sassy tone.

"Nothing." I say dryly.

"That's what I thought." she snaps back. And I'm the one with an attitude. Why is it that parents always have to have the last word? It's so irritating.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" she asks.

"Nevermind." Parents are such pests. That actually sounds like a cool name for a teen therapy company for teens who are tired of their ridiculous parents. I would so attend the meeting if there were something like that. Parent Pests. Yes, that's perfect.

I look up at the sky and the oak trees on the way to the hospital and I can't help but wonder why she's getting so fancied up just to go to the doctor.

"So why'd you dress all nice today?" I ask.

She's toned down and answers honestly, "I just.. thought that I should look..I don't know, presentable I guess."

"Hmm. Well you look nice," I say trying to eliminate the small cloud of awkwardness.

We arrive at the hospital and the sign reads Clearwater Hospital. I've been here before, but only like once. My uncle was very ill and I came to see him when I was younger. He died 3 years ago, but I'll always remember him. He was so kind and always gave me a lolipop whenever I would spell a difficult word right. Those were the good days. I miss him dearly.

After my mom parks, I lead her up the stairs and throught the doors. The cold air whips against my face and everyone turns to see who we are. Their attention is broken by a loud scream of a woman who I suspect is in very bad mental shape. As I look closer, I see a familiar masculine face and I'm not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me, or if I'm actually seeing it correctly.

I know I'm not hallucinating when I see his blue eyes widen in surprise and look at me with confusion. I walk up to a chair and sit my mom down. I look back at him and he's still staring deep into my eyes.

"Hey..Tyler" I say.

A.N. Hey! I'm not sure if this is even a good idea, but I've been reading a few books where the author leaves notes, so I thought it would be cool to do the same. I hope you're enjoying the book so far. There is MUCH more to come I promise!! (Sorry for not updating and having such a short chapter.. I've had a few setbacks) Thank you for reading !! :)

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